- page view

On one level , it makes me wonder about the whole " page view " business model , which is driving a " more is more " approach to website content and the online publication industry in general at the moment .
You may have read his blog , Grant Me Admission , in which he chronicles his quest for a top-tier MBA .
As Astra Taylor points out in her book , " The People 's Platform , " in 2001 , the top 10 websites accounted for 31 percent of all U.S. page views , but , by 2010 , they accounted for 75 percent of them .
Facemash reportedly drew 450 visitors and 22,000 page views during its first evening online .
The company reported that search referrals fell 20 % and ehow , its most popular site , saw page views sink 12 % .
With 5 00000 unique users a month and 1m page views , OM Malik , a journalist who specialises in broadband issues , says his pastime is now attracting enough of an audience to become a business in its own right .
You also need lots of page views and a high click-through rate .
Whether those numbers represent reservations or just page views is not clear .
It 's received nearly 100000 page views .
To make any real money , you need to serve A LOT of page views .
As a result , we saw record highs in our key engagement metrics : cumulative members , unique users and page views .
Free is a good short-term Internet strategy , if you have $ 50 million to spend on viral marketing to get your page-views up to the million per month needed for significant advertising revenue .
Until we as an industry can do a better job at monetizing quality , at co-relating quality with revenue , the sensible business decision is simply to go after page views , any page views .