
  • 网络foreign coaches
  1. 本尤德科的球员能够引起外籍教练的关注,说明他们的水平真的很棒。

    " Bunyodkor " footballers attract foreign coaches attention , so their level is rather good .

  2. 由于球队外籍教练增多,则外籍教练与中国教练以及中国队员之间的沟通的需要也日益增加。

    Due to an increase in foreign coaches , the communication between team members and coaches is also important .

  3. 作为一个外籍教练,在中国什么挑战是最大的?

    NiuBBall : As a foreign coach , what are some of the challenges in working with Chinese players ?

  4. 目前国家队虽然聘请了专门的外籍教练,但我们不能盲从,应根据东方人的性格特征和机能特点进行针对性训练。

    Although the current national team to hire a special foreign coaches , but we can not blindly follow , should be based on personality characteristics of Asians and functional characteristics of specific training .

  5. 建立聘请外籍教练制度:使我们的男女网球运动员及时地了解并接触国外一些优秀选手的竞技能力发展变化,使其适应网球的国际化发展趋势。

    Establish inviting foreign coaches system : make our men and women in tennis players know some good players and contact the competitive ability , make its development and change to the development trend of international tennis .

  6. 关于聘请外籍足球教练若干问题的思考

    Opinions on Some Problems Concerning the Engagement of Foreign Soccer Coaches