
wài zǔ mǔ
  • grandmother;maternal grandmother;grandparent;grandmother on mother's side
外祖母 [wài zǔ mǔ]
  • [maternal grandmother;grandmother on mother's side] 母亲的母亲

外祖母[wài zǔ mǔ]
  1. 我的外祖母凯瑟琳·欧文·弗里耶(KathrynOwenFrier)患有阿尔茨海默氏症。

    My grandmother , Kathryn Owen Frier , developed Alzheimer 's.

  2. 我是从我的外祖母,RuthTichauer博士那里学到的,她是居住在安第斯山脉深处的一位犹太难民。

    I learned this from my grandmother , Dr. Ruth Tichauer , a Jewish refugee that settled in the heart of the Andes .

  3. 奶奶保姆指的是在儿女上班时,承担起照顾孙子孙女工作的祖母或外祖母。

    Granny nanny is a grandmother who cares for her grandchildren while their parents are working .

  4. 结果:两例先证者表型正常的母亲及外祖母均存在X(p22pter)重复;

    Results The 2 probands , their mothers and grandmother with normal phenotype all had X ( p22-pter ) duplication .

  5. 和他的妻子Debbie一起经营这家公司的CEOSimonTopman,告诉这对夫妇,“是的,你的外祖母给她的拉布拉多犬和猎犬用到的,不会给你的西班牙猎犬。”

    Chief Executive Simon Topman , who runs the business with his wife Debbie , told the couple , " Yes , your grandmother would use something that is great for her labradors and retrievers but wouldn 't be for your spaniel . " Silversmith Ray Stone , who plates and polishes commemorative items , including a

  6. 他的外祖母让我看看那个小孩儿。

    The grandmother asked me to look in on the boy .

  7. 祖母,外祖母哥哥,能帮我做作业吗?

    Elder brother , can you help me with my homework ?

  8. 她是焦万纳的外祖母。

    She was giovanna 's grandmother on her mother 's side .

  9. 放在角落里的大衣橱是我最近从外祖母那收到的礼物。

    The corner armoire was a recent gift from my grandmother .

  10. 此外,我的母亲、外祖母和姨妈都因癌症去世。

    I lost my mother , grandmother and aunt to cancer .

  11. 在我的记忆中,我的外祖母有两种不同的形象。

    My maternal grandmother lives in my memory as two distinct images .

  12. 她总是把外祖母的戒指戴在右手上。

    She always wore her grandmother 's ring on her right hand .

  13. 她的母亲、姨妈和外祖母均死于癌症。

    Her mother , aunt and grandmother died of cancer .

  14. 她要搭车去弗里蒙特街去看她的外祖母。

    She is thumbing rides to Fremont Street to see her grandfather .

  15. 外祖母把这条项链传给了母亲。

    My grandmother handed down this necklace to my mother .

  16. 下个周末,我要去看我的外祖母。

    I 'll go to see my grandmother next weekend .

  17. “我们的家族没有癫痫发病情况,”外祖母重复道。

    " Seizures do not run in our family ," Grandmother repeated .

  18. 他被送去同外祖母一起生活。

    He was then sent to live with his grandmother .

  19. 导致外祖母呈现两种不同形象的不仅仅是时间,还有疾病。

    These images are separated not just by years but by illness .

  20. 杰克一离开学校就去看望他外祖母。【正】杰克一毕业就去看望他外祖母。

    Jack went to see his grandmother as soon as he left school .

  21. 你以前有过吗仅限家人之间我的外祖母

    You ever felt it before ? I mean , around family.My grams .

  22. 外祖母去世已经超过25年了。

    She died more than a quarter century ago .

  23. 那就是我外祖母教我的。

    That 's what my grandmother did to me .

  24. 他的外祖母当即无条件地接受了他。

    Here was instant and unconditional acceptance of a child by his grandmother .

  25. 那个戒指?但我外祖母第一次到这个国家来的时候。

    Ross : That ring ? When my grandmother first came to this country .

  26. 祖母和外祖母都活着。

    Both of my grandmothers are still alive .

  27. 外祖母就总说,他纯是为了送礼物才干活。

    My grandmother used to say that he worked in order to give presents .

  28. 后来外祖母把这些日记重新编,写下来现代日语版。

    Then my grandmother edited these diaries and wrote down the modern Japanese version .

  29. 这个孩子的外祖母外祖父呢?

    The child 's grandmother , grandfather it ?

  30. 我的外祖母出去晾衣服就再也没有回来

    my grandmother went outside to hang the laundry and she never saw here again