
  1. 南京外秦淮河滨水景观规划

    Waterfront Landscape Renovation Planning of Ex-ternal Qinhuai River , Nanjing

  2. 南京外秦淮河综合整治工程实施后的城市形象变化之思考

    Pondering of City Image Changing after Qinhuai River Project

  3. 外秦淮河的历史文化

    Historical Culture of External Qinhuai River , Nanjing

  4. 外秦淮河生态护坡挺水植物适应性试验研究

    Research on the Adaptability of Submerged Macrophytes Used by Ecological Riverbank in Qinhuai River

  5. 外秦淮河堤防;

    External Qinhuai River Levee ;

  6. 内、外秦淮河的水质污染及其防治

    The water pollution of the Inner Qinhuai River and the outer Qinhuai River and its prevention and cure

  7. 滨水景观设计及其历史文化承载再现的研究&南京外秦淮河规划

    Embodiment of History and Culture in Waterfront Landscape Design & Planning of the Outer Part of Qinhuai River in Nanjing

  8. 调查了外秦淮河两岸垂柳上光肩星天牛羽化孔、排粪孔的分布情况。

    Study on the spatial distribution of entering tree hole and emergence hole of Apriona swainsoni Hope on the Sophora japonica ;

  9. 针对外秦淮河的污染状况,采用挺水植物菖蒲和狭叶香蒲进行试验,对外秦淮河的污染水质进行净化;

    Based on the polluted status of the Qinhuai River , calamus and narrow leaf bulrush are used to clean the Qinhuai River water .