
lán qiú xùn liàn yínɡ
  • basketball camp
  1. 我们在篮球训练营认识的。

    We met at basketball camp .

  2. 在我16岁的时候,卢克·巴莫特邀请我参加了他的篮球训练营,他每个夏天都会在喀麦隆举办他的训练营,而我猜我被邀请的唯一原因就是我有6尺10寸的身高。

    When I was 16 , Luc Mbah a Moute invited me to come to the basketball camp that he puts on every summer in Cameroon , and the only reason was because I was like 6 foot 10 .

  3. 联盟消息人士告诉雅虎体育,波特兰明星后卫CJ麦克鲁姆已经退出美国篮球训练营和国际篮联世界杯,将专注于即将到来的新赛季比赛。

    Portland star guard CJ McCollum has withdrawn from USA Basketball training camp and FIBA World Cup to concentrate on upcoming season , league sources tell Yahoo Sports .

  4. 随着波特兰开拓者队的后卫CJ·麦克勒姆和休斯敦火箭队的后卫艾瑞克·戈登退出比赛,在世界杯前退出美国篮球训练营的球星名单继续增长。

    The list of stars to withdraw from USA Basketball practices ahead of the FIBA World Cup continues to grow with Portland Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum and Houston Rockets guard Eric Gordon taking their names out of the running .

  5. 目前在美国篮球训练营名册上,这位24岁的球员希望通过加入美国队和参加下个月的FIBA世界杯,进入他篮球生涯中最重要的赛季。

    late-first-round draft pick out of Utah , Kuzma noted how he has continually beaten the odds and exceeded expectations . Currently on the USA Basketball training camp roster , the 24-year-old hopes to launch himself into the biggest season of his basketball career by making the U.S. team and playing in next month 's FIBA World Cup .

  6. 在南非的无国界篮球训练营,我找到了一席之地。

    I got a spot at the Basketball Without Borders camp in South Africa .

  7. 上周,我做了一件永生难忘的事:我为女孩们举办了一个篮球训练营。

    Last week , I did something I 'll never forget : I hosted a basketball camp for girls .

  8. 完成我们一个月的篮球魔鬼训练营,我们就会给你十万块美金!

    Complete one month of our basketball boot camp , and we 'll give you a hundred thousand dollars !