
  • 网络alien civilization
  1. 该系列的第一本探索了三体人的世界,这个外星文明正处于崩溃边缘。

    The first book in the series explores the world of the Trisolarans , an alien civilization on the brink of destruction .

  2. 但是不幸的是我们对于外星文明到底住在什么地方毫无概念,当然也不知道他们的信号到达我们这里要走过多少距离。

    Unfortunately we have no clue where an alien civilization might be located , and what distances its transmissions must cover before being received on Earth .

  3. 不久前,美国天体物理学家表示,地外文明搜索研究所(SETI)一直以来探索宇宙外星文明信号的方法可能并不正确。

    The SETI Institute , listening to the cosmos for signs of signals from alien civilizations , may be monitoring the wrong " channels ," a U.S.astrophysicist says .

  4. 来自外星文明的信号将发生多普勒漂移的假设也被采纳到后来所有的SETI项目中,这些项目都无一例外的检查信号的频率漂移。

    The assumption that any alien signal would exhibit a Doppler drift has also been incorporated into all subsequent SETI projects , which invariably check for signals at drifting frequencies .

  5. 美国前政府顾问、业余天文学家蒂莫西-霍德日前在阿姆斯特丹召开的一次有关探索外星文明的国际会议上披露,上世纪七八十年代的很多UFO研究专家都神秘死亡,也许是被杀人灭口。

    Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances , and may have been killed . This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer , a former US government adviser Timothy Hood . He made this statement at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to search for extraterrestrial intelligence .

  6. 外星文明的疑问对于我来说显然整个还是开始。

    The question of extraterrestrial civilizations seems to me entirely open .

  7. 先进的外星文明,人类在外星居住。

    Advanced alien civilisations ; humans living on other worlds .

  8. 很多科学家相信外星文明确实存在。

    Many scientists believe that alien civilisations exist .

  9. 尽管一直没有发现外星文明的迹象,但德雷克仍保持着乐观态度。

    Although no signs of extraterrestrial intelligence have been detected , Drake remains optimistic .

  10. 启动第一次外星文明信号的搜寻只好留给他人。

    The launch of the first radio search for an alien signal was left to others .

  11. 因为外星文明可能会试图控制浪费,并使他们的信息发送更有效率。

    Because alien civilisations are likely to strive to limit waste and make their signalling technology efficient .

  12. 他说,任何现存的外星文明可能都比我们更先进。

    Any alien civilisations that existed were likely to be far more advanced than ours , he said .

  13. 所以如果外星文明识破我们的伎俩,停止污染,我们仍然会看到效果。

    So if an extraterrestrial civilization wised up and stopped polluting , we might still see the effects .

  14. 这是外星文明可以突出于宇宙的无线电背景噪声发送信号的一种方式。

    That 's one way that an extraterrestrial civilization can send a signal that stands up above the radio background noise .

  15. 总统奥巴马,与世界各地的其他领导人的工作,主动开放,与这些外星文明和平的联系;

    That President Obama , working with other leaders around the world , initiate open , peaceful Contact with these Extraterrestrial Civilizations ;

  16. 这个能估量外星文明的公式该怎么用来估量我的潜在女友呢?我承认这是件不怎么科学的测试,但对我来说有着相当大的重要性。

    What might the approach employed in the estimation of the number of alien civilizations tell us about the number of potential girlfriends for me ?

  17. Codignola教授对历史能够对在太空探险者们与外星文明进行接触所遇到挑战有什么样的启迪发表了他的看法。

    At the conference he expressed his interest in what history can tell us about the challenges we may face if space explorers make contact with alien civilisations .

  18. 他在西维吉尼亚州的格林班克安装了25米的无线电望远镜,目标对准两个附近的星球,寻找外星文明发出的信号。德雷克说:

    He looked for signals from these alien civilizations by setting up a 25-meter radio telescope in Green Bank , West Virginia and aiming it at two nearby stars .

  19. 谢尔顿:让我来提出一个假设,昨天晚上拉杰无意间,接触到了外星文明,而美国政府命令他对此保密。

    Sheldon : I 'm going to propose a . Last night , Raj accidentally made contact with an alien civilization and has been ordered by the United States government to keep it a secret .

  20. 外星生命和文明题材是科幻文学领域里长盛不衰的创作题材之一。

    Extraterrestrial life and civilization subject matter is one of the prosperous forever creation subject matter in regions of literature of science fiction .