
  • 网络lateral meniscus;O-shaped
  1. 后交叉韧带断裂对外侧半月板生物力学的影响利用AIRS数据交叉辐射定标SVISSR分裂窗通道

    Biomechanical Effect of Rupture of Posterior Cruciate Ligament on Lateral Meniscus Intercalibration of the split-window channels of SVISSR / FY-2C against AIRS / Aqua channels

  2. 内侧半月板损伤3例,外侧半月板4例。Oconnor关节镜下损伤类型:斜形撕裂2例,水平撕裂1例,纵形撕裂1例,瓣状撕裂2例,复合撕裂1例;

    There were medial meniscus in three cases and lateral meniscus in four cases , O'Connor arthroscopic classification there were oblique tears in two cases , horizontal tears in one cases , longitudinal tears in one cases , flap tears in two cases and complex tears in one cases .

  3. 目的观察外侧半月板切除术(lateralmeniscectomy,LMT)对膝关节周围骨密度的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of lateral meniscectomy ( LMT ) on bone mineral density ( BMD ) around the knee joint .

  4. 术后并发症包括Outside-In缝线打结处疼痛3例,外侧半月板前角Outside-In缝合后未愈合导致后关节囊牵拉痛1例,半月板箭固定处的后关节囊刺痛5例。

    Postoperative complications included pain at the Outside-In suture nodes in three cases , referred pain at posterior articular capsule resulted from failed Outside-In meniscus anterior horn suturing in one case , and twinge at the meniscus arrow site in the posterior capsule in five cases .

  5. 外侧半月板结果与内侧类似。

    Similar results were observed for the lateral menisci .

  6. 兔前交叉韧带断裂后外侧半月板的组织学退变

    Histological changes of degenerated lateral meniscus after anterior cruciate ligament rupture in rabbits

  7. 外侧半月板腘肌腱区损伤的缝合方法

    Arthroscopic All-inside Suture Technique for Repairing Lateral Meniscus Tear Involving Popliteal Tendon Area

  8. 外侧半月板切除术对成人膝关节周围骨密度的影响

    Effect of lateral meniscectomy on bone mineral density around the joint knee in adult

  9. 前交叉韧带断裂对外侧半月板影响的生物力学和组织学研究

    Study on the Biomechanical and Histological Effects of Rupture ACL on the Lateral Meniscus

  10. 外侧半月板切除术后X线改变与周围骨密度变化的关系

    Relation between X-ray Changes and Changes of Bone Mineral Density around the Knee Joint after Lateral Meniscectomy

  11. 外侧半月板径向移位数量及程度明显低于内侧半月板。

    The number and degree of displacement of lateral meniscus were much lower than those of medial meniscus .

  12. 膝横韧带所致外侧半月板前角假撕裂的发生机制与鉴别方法

    Mechanism and Differentiation of Pseudo-Tears of the Anterior Horn of the Lateral Meniscus Caused by the Transverse Geniculate Ligament

  13. 结果:①女性的内、外侧半月板标本各部位测量结果比男性稍小。

    RESULTS : ① The measuring data of medial and lateral meniscus of female samples were a little smaller than those of male samples .

  14. 方法采用40例成人尸体膝关节标本,观察膝横韧带与外侧半月板前角的关系。

    Methods Forty cadaver knees were dissected , and the associations between the transverse geniculate ligament and the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus were observed .

  15. 经皮肤和关节囊的横向切口显露内侧半月板,经皮肤斜行切口和关节囊曲棍球棒状切口显露外侧半月板。

    Medial meniscus is approached through transverse incisions in both skin and capsule ; lateral meniscus through oblique incision in skin and hockey stick incision in capsule .

  16. 为显露外侧半月板后角,应先找到位于股骨外侧髁后面的腓肠肌外侧头起点。

    To expose the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus , locate the origin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle on the posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle .

  17. 结果:22例半月板囊肿中,内侧半月板囊肿4例(18.1%),外侧半月板囊肿18例(81.8%)。

    Results : With 22 cases of meniscal cysts , 4 cases ( 18.1 % ) located in the medial meniscus and 18 cases ( 81.8 % ) in the lateral meniscus .

  18. 本研究中用关节镜或手术结果作为诊断参考标准,确诊撕裂的内侧半月板有29例,外侧半月板有40例,分别分析内外侧半月板经参考标准确诊的撕裂的两次诊断的诊断价值。

    MR imaging diagnosis reports were compared with arthroscopy or surgery results which served as the standard of diagnosis reference . According to the reference the diagnosis of 29 medial and 40 lateral meniscal tears were analysed .

  19. 结论经前方关节镜入路的全关节内缝合技术修补外侧半月板腘肌腱区损伤,可以达到牢靠的缝合效果,有效地避免损伤腘肌腱及腓总神经,获得较好的临床疗效。

    Conclusions Arthroscopic all-inside repairing technique through anterior portal is a reliable and effective alternative for repairing lateral meniscus tears involving the popliteal tendon area , providing stable repairing sutures and ensuring safety of popliteal tendon and peroneal nerve .

  20. 结果膝横韧带在尸膝标本的出现率为80%,该韧带与外侧半月板前角及其中央腱性附着部之间以脂肪组织分隔。

    Results The prevalence of the transverse geniculate ligament in cadaver knees was 80 % . There existed fatty tissue in the gap between this ligament and the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus and its central tendinous attachment .

  21. 结果本组35例病人均伴有关节内疾病,其中内侧半月板撕裂24例,外侧半月板撕裂7例,前交叉韧带撕裂4例,骨性关节炎27例,痛风性关节炎1例。

    Results All patients were found with various intra-articular pathology , including medial meniscus tears in 24 cases , lateral meniscus tears in 7 cases , ACL tears in 4 cases , and osteoarthritis in 27 cases , gouty arthritis in 1 case .

  22. 结论:①国家优秀女子标枪运动员在最后用力阶段标枪出手瞬间,左腿强直蹬伸可能是造成左膝关节外侧半月板损伤的重要因素。

    CONCLUSION ; ① The national outstanding female javelin athlete finally makes an effort at the stage javelin to get rid of instantaneous throwing , the left leg strongly straight pedal extends , which possibly attributes to the left knee joint flank meniscus damages .

  23. 左膝关节内外侧半月板损伤各17个;右膝关节内侧半月板损伤21个,外侧半月板损伤24个,其中1例双膝关节均为外侧半月板损伤。

    There were 17 medial and lateral meniscus injuries respectively in the left knee , 21 medial and 24 lateral meniscus injuries in the right one . One case of bilateral knee injuries which were both at the lateral meniscus was included in the group .

  24. 目的探讨外侧盘状半月板的MRI分型特征及不同类型盘状半月板撕裂的发生率。

    Objective To discuss MRI features and types of lateral discoid meniscus of the knee joint and its incidence of laceration in different types .

  25. 方法对23例膝外侧盘状半月板损伤患者施行关节镜下盘状半月板部分或大部分切除成形术。

    Methods Partial or subtotal resection of discoid meniscus was carried out under arthroendoscopy for 23 cases with lateral discoid meniscus injuries .

  26. 最后本文介绍了膝关节内损伤的发生和防治,包括半月板损伤、关节软骨损伤及膝外侧盘状半月板损伤等。

    Finally the etiology and treatment of injuries inside the knee joint is introduced , including meniscus injury and joint cartilage injury , etc.

  27. 目的探讨膝外侧盘状半月板是否有遗传性,两代人盘状半月板的手术疗效。

    Objective To investigate the inherited tendency of lateral discoid meniscus of the knee , and to evaluate the surgical efficacy for the disease in two consecutive generations .

  28. 结果26例盘状半月板中,25例为外侧盘状半月板,只有1例为内侧盘状半月板,18例为厚板型,8例为楔型。

    Results Of 26 discoid menisci , 25 were in lateral and only one was in medial . Besides , 18 were classified as slab type and 8 wedge type .

  29. 外侧盘状半月板切除后下肢力线的改变程度明显大于单纯外侧半月板切除者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Meniscectomy for lateral discoid meniscus resulted in more obviously change of limb alignment than that for injury of ordinarily lateral meniscus , and the difference also was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  30. 材料与方法:收集关节镜下证实为外侧盘状半月板的膝关节X线平片76例,其中完全型盘状半月板46例,不完全型30例,作为实验组;

    Materials and Methods : The knee radiographs of 76 cases which proven by the arthroscopy , including 46 cases of complete type and 30 cases of incomplete type discoid lateral meniscus , are used as experiments .