
fén tóu
  • grave mound;tumulus
坟头 [fén tóu]
  • [grave mound] 坟墓在地表部分,多为土堆,亦有砖石砌垒者

坟头[fén tóu]
  1. 人们到先人的坟头上扫墓。

    People visit their ancestors'Graves to sweep away the dirt .

  2. 她们看到,一个墓地中间孤零零地立着一个坟头。

    They saw a single grave in the middle of a cemetery .

  3. 我们每周一次在她的坟头摆些花。

    We lay flowers on her grave once a week .

  4. 因坟头湿气降临我头颅。

    Because of grave-damps falling round my head ?

  5. 也别在我坟头种植玫瑰。

    Plant thou no roses at my head .

  6. 你再花钱再这些上面,不如直接拿雏菊祭拜我的坟头。

    You spend any more on this thing , you can pick the daisies off my grave .

  7. 医生把灯笼放在坟头上,这头狮子笼子里来回地走来走去。

    The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave , The lion keeps pacing back and forth in its cage .

  8. 阴冷的山风从橄榄树林和坟头树间穿过,奇妙地发出一种含糊的低语声。

    The bleak mountain wind , sighing through the olive grove and the tomb-tree , had an uncanny way of forming vaguely articulate sounds .

  9. 人的诞生,人的姿态,人的死亡,以及在人的坟头上生长出紫罗兰—这不过是成千上万化合结果的点滴例子而已。

    and birth and gesture and death and the springing of violets from the grave are but a few out of ten thousand resultant combinations .

  10. 怕我这书呆子拽词公主,因为我爆料更多黑幕,比你妈坟头的两棵柳树遮的影子还黑。

    Fear the nerdy , wordy princess ' cause I 'm throwing more shade than the willow tree growing on your dead mother 's grave .

  11. 医生把灯笼放在坟头上,走到榆树下,背靠着一棵坐下来。

    The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave and came and sat down with his back against one of the elm trees .

  12. 一天晚上,当她可以不被人看到地进入墓地时,苔丝做了一个小小的十字架,并把它竖在了坟头。

    Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .

  13. 临终前,妈妈对我说:“明春花儿开放的时候,到我坟头放几朵花,这样妈不会寂寞。”

    Immediately before her death , my mother said to me : " When spring flowers open , I put some flowers instead , not so damn lonely . "

  14. 她还要陪伴扫墓者到亲友的墓前,帮忙向坟头洒水和燃点香烛。

    For10 years , she has been selling items such as incense and candles at a cemetery there , accompanying visitors to their deceased relatives'graves , sprinkling water on the tombs and burning incense .

  15. 当我在人间的行程到时做好安排,参加葬礼的朋友不必悲哀;让充满爱心的人们来庆贺胜利,让我的坟头只有休闲欢快;

    When timely death my life and fortune ends , Let not my hearse be vexed with mourning friends , But let all lovers , rich in triumph , come And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb ;

  16. 过了些时日,他提得动水桶,也扛得动铁锨了,就在姐姐的坟头上种了棵小柳树,三天两头浇水,施肥,没事就围着它看。

    As time advanced , he was old enough to be able to carry a bucket and to usea shovel . He planted a small willow tree on his sister 's grave and came al-most every day to see it and to take care of it .

  17. 比利时人让·尼古拉斯·佩尔罗写道:我们穿越了200英里的荒野,到处都有印第安人、熊、豹、野猫和各种蛇出没。他首先找到的并非期待中的黄金,而是坟头,足足有200座。

    Now he travels by foot.Belgian Jean-Nicolas Perlot writes : We crossed 200 miles of wilderness full of Indians , bears , panthers , wildcats , snakes of every k ind. The first thing he finds isn 't gold . It 's graves . 200 of them .