
zuì è ɡǎn
  • feeling of guilt;sense of guiltiness
  1. HAMD总分抑郁症组明显高于精神分裂症组(P<001),其中尤以抑郁情绪、罪恶感、自杀、早醒和体重减轻突出。

    The HAMD total score was significantly lower in schizophrenia than in depression ( P < 0.01 ) . Depressed mood , feeling of guilt , suicide , loss of weight and insomnia-late scores were significantly lower in schizophrenia than in depression ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 她的行为与她的罪恶感有关。

    Her behaviour is tied up with her feeling of guilt .

  3. 她装出一副慈母的样子只是想要减轻自己的罪恶感。

    She was just trying to assuage her guilt by playing the devoted mother .

  4. 他的罪恶感根源于童年时代。

    His sense of guilt had its roots in his childhood .

  5. 罪恶感深重的人如何爱自己?

    How can a person with heavy guilt feelings love himself ?

  6. 罪恶感是模糊的,怠惰的,往往会令你麻木难行。

    Guilt is vague and inactive and tends to paralyze you .

  7. 是你的罪恶感造就的她。

    Your guilt defines her . It 's what powers her .

  8. 当庆祝成为一种服务,就不会有罪恶感。

    This celebration becomes service and there is no guilt .

  9. 或许与死亡的痛苦最接近的,就是罪恶感。

    Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death .

  10. 我不想有罪恶感。

    I don 't want to feei guiity about that .

  11. 可悲的是,罪恶感却一直萦绕在我的内心。

    Sadly , the criminal stain is upon my soul .

  12. 你想过他们的后悔与罪恶感吗?

    Have you thought about the regret and guilt they 'll feel ?

  13. 从不曾有罪恶感穿透他道德的甲壳。

    No sense of guilt ever penetrated his moral carapace .

  14. 侵扰【典型范例1】约翰对自己侵犯玛丽的隐私而产生罪恶感。

    John feels guilty of intrusion upon Mary 's privacy .

  15. 因此罪恶感非源于害怕惩罚。

    And so guilt cannot be a fear of punishment .

  16. 但是,觉得很有罪恶感,不想说了?

    Jessie : But * feeling too guilty to talk about it ?

  17. 这个谎言,让我承受了巨大的罪恶感。

    And this is a lie I 've felt spine-bending guilt for .

  18. 我讨厌罪恶感,不过有谁没有罪恶感呢。

    I hate guilt , but never the person who 's guilty .

  19. 这很可悲,也很可怕,但不需要有罪恶感。

    It is sad , yes-dreadful . But it carries no guilt .

  20. 让我感觉比珍妮-杰克逊上半搭子节目更有罪恶感

    made me feel guiltier than Janet Jackson at a half-time show .

  21. 而这减少了对我做出糟糕行为的罪恶感。

    And that cut down on the guilt I felt for behaving badly .

  22. 我会把你的罪恶感赶走。

    I take the bricks out of the briefcase .

  23. 你能收下它平息我的罪恶感吗?

    Would you take it and settle my guilt ?

  24. 亚当后代的与生俱来的罪恶感。

    A sin inherited by all descendants of Adam .

  25. 毫无疑问他有罪恶感。

    There is no doubt he feels his guilt .

  26. 他隐藏得很好,没有露出痛苦或罪恶感。

    If there was pain or guilt there , he hid it well .

  27. 你对她抱有罪恶感和责任。

    Your feelings of responsibility or guilt over julie .

  28. 卡罗感到给儿子钱时心里罪恶感,但是她又能怎么办?

    Carol feels guilty giving him money , but what can she do ?

  29. 罪恶感与耻辱感笼罩、她贬低自己,为什么她什么都没有揭发?

    Guilt-ridden , humiliated and demeaned , why didn 't she report it ?

  30. 我不能继续背负着罪恶感活下去了

    and I cannot live with this guilt anymore .