
guó fǎ
  • national law;the law of the land
国法 [guó fǎ]
  • [national law;law of the land] 国家的法律规定

  • 伤天害理,国法难容

国法[guó fǎ]
  1. 很显然,法国法院采用反致的目的是为了扩大内国法的适用,并因适用内国法而获得经济利益。

    Obviously , French court 's use of renvoi intended to expand the application of the law of the land within , and because of the application of the law of the land within got the economic benefits .

  2. 论国际经济法基本原则在我国法中的体现

    On reflection of the fundamental principle of International Economical Law in our national law

  3. 无论是按国法,还是按党纪,他都逃不了挨板子。

    Whether tried according to the law of the state or the Party discipline , he cannot escape the caning he deserves .

  4. 中药是我国的“国粹”,应该有国法保障。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is our national treasure and should be protected by law .

  5. 母国法定税率u、东道国法定税率u和东道国有效税率t通过这种渠道发挥作用。

    The statutory tax rate of the home country and the statutory / effective tax rate of the host country play a role in this way .

  6. 党有党纪,国有国法。

    The party has its discipline and the state has its law .

  7. 罗马法的复兴是对优士丁尼《国法大全》为代表的罗马法的大规模的研究和继受。

    Revival of Roman law is research and reception extensively of Roman law .

  8. 论欧共体法与成员国法的关系

    On the Relationship between the EEC Law and the Law of its Members

  9. 埃利希的习惯法具有最彻底的反国法性质。

    The customary law of Eugen Ehrlich has a characteristic with thoroughly against state law .

  10. 戒律、家规、国法与中国古代社会的秩序调控

    Mitzvoth , Family Rules , National Laws , and Social Order Control in Ancient China

  11. 所以,两汉经学对我国法文化影响深远。

    Thus the hermeneutics of Han Dynasties had profound effect on Chinese culture of law .

  12. 国要有国法,党要有党规党法。

    Just as the country must have laws , the Party must have rules and regulations .

  13. 在该部分,首先探讨了内国法有关外国直接投资规则的变化概况与原因;

    Firstly , it discusses change situation and reason of FDI rules involved with domestic law .

  14. 首先对各国内国法关于涉外继承的法律适用做了详细的介绍。

    First of all a detailed introduction to foreign succession law in many countries has been done .

  15. 有一些表现历来都好,老实,归附国法,可以给以社员的称号。

    Those who have a good record and are honest and law-abiding may be given co-operative membership .

  16. 当事人的共同本国法

    Parties Common National Law

  17. 第三部分首先提出我国法益概念的初步定义,论述了确立法益概念的原则。

    The third part in the country and concept of the definition , the established principles and concepts .

  18. 船旗国法原则也构成了海事冲突法中最基本的法律选择原则。

    The law of the flag also constitutes a fundamental principle of choice of law in the maritime conflict .

  19. 在该部分中,首先介绍了我国法律上对股权质押设立要件的规定;其次对我国法上有关股权设质规定作了探讨。

    In this part , it first introduces the provisions in Chinese law on the creation of share pledge .

  20. 论乡镇公务员激励机制的完善国法与乡法&以吐鲁番、敦煌文书为中心

    Study on Perfecting the Motivation Mechanism of Villages and Towns ' Government Civil Servants Government Law and Civil Agreement

  21. 因此,具有大陆法传统的我国法对这一制度也就显得有点陌生。

    Therefore , our country has a civil law tradition method of this system also seemed a bit strange .

  22. 国有国法,感谢上帝!有法律;虽然我们住在一个偏僻的地方。

    There 's a law in the land , thank God there is ; though we be in an out-of-the-way place .

  23. 对这些问题的揭示与反思有助于我国法学院教育水平的全面提升,促进法学教育的改革与发展。

    Reflections on these aspects will help to improve China 's legal education and promote the reform and development in this field .

  24. 在封建国法的认可和支持下,家长、族长承担起了维护家庭秩序,以及乡村基层社会秩序的重任。

    With the approval and support of feudal country law , the clan elders take the responsibility of maintaining family and social order .

  25. 洛阳的两家种子公司之间的纠纷,演变成了省法与国法之间的冲突。

    The disputes between two seed companies in Luoyang , Henan Province have evolved into the conflicts between provincial law and national law .

  26. 关于婚姻无效之诉的程序问题,因我国法无明文规定,实践中困惑多多。

    There are many questions in practice of marriage nullity suit , as our legal system doesn 't expressly provide judicial procedures of nullity suit .

  27. 涉外继承案件的日渐增多,也就容易出现许多新的情况,对各国内国法中关于涉外继承的规定提出新的挑战。

    Because of increasing of foreign succession , it is easy to appear many new condition , which presents new challenges in foreign succession provisions .

  28. 船舶本国法就是船旗国法,即船舶悬挂旗帜所属国家的法律。

    The lex patriae of the ships is law of the flag , i.e. , the ships are hoisted the banner of their respective states .

  29. 我国法对此问题的看法在实际上相同于意大利法,但有关立法中的不合理因素应当予以克服。

    Actually , Chinese laws have the same opinion as Italian laws in terms of this issue but the inappropriate elements should be overcome in legislature .

  30. 传统观念里的法律勿宁说是天理、国法、人情的综合体,在立法活动和司法活动中,这种观念都有清晰地表达。

    Therefore , Chinese traditional idea of law is a combination of natural law , legislation and discretion which is embodied in both legislative and judicial activities .