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fén chǎnɡ
  • cemetery;graveyard
坟场 [fén chǎng]
  • (1) [tomb]∶坟地

  • (2) [graveyard]∶停放尸体的院子或围场

  1. DavyJones'slocker-海上被杀死或者淹死的人的坟场。

    Davy Jones 's locker - A graveyard for people killed or drowned at the sea .

  2. 他回家都要步行经过一坟场。

    He had to walk past a graveyard to reach home .

  3. 坟场只不过是一片土丘林立的荒野,恰似一片已废弃不用的建筑场地

    The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky ( hilly ) earth , like a derelict ( deserted ) building-lot .

  4. 我总认为会在坟场遇到你。

    I thought I 'd run into you at the cemetery .

  5. 大海就是伊夫堡的坟场。

    The sea is the cemetery of the Chateau d'If .

  6. 他将安葬于薄扶林华人基督教坟场。

    He will be buried at the Chinese Christian cemetery in Pokfulam .

  7. 抬去坟场,你不怕鬼吗?

    We 're going to the cemetery are you afraid of ghosts ?

  8. 难道是因为在他坟场里数以千计的孩子都烧成灰烬?

    Because he had had thousands of children burned in his pits ?

  9. 你想要答案现在就来圣安东坟场。

    If you want answers , come to Saint Adonis cemetery now .

  10. 他们在追踪毒药上撒尿&《坟场大夜班》。

    These sons of bitches piss on tracking poison .

  11. 秋男一大早就去坟场了,你不知道?

    She went early . don 't you know ?

  12. 现在什么都没了,只剩个大坟场。

    It 's nothing now but one big graveyard .

  13. 这地方像个可爱动物的坟场一样。

    This place is like an NRA petting zoo .

  14. 你晓得他们后院有坟场吗?

    You know they have , uh , dead people in the backyard ?

  15. 一天晚上在坟场他和费恩、贝琪撒切尔看到了三个男人。

    One night in the graveyard he and Huck Finn see three men .

  16. 选举是政治预言家的“坟场”。

    Elections are the graveyard of the political prophet .

  17. 他是活着离开那坟场的三个人中的一个。

    Pontmercy was one of the three who emerged alive from that cemetery .

  18. 在坟场里有许多坟墓。

    There are many graves in the grave yard .

  19. 全镇的人都象流水似地向那坟场涌过去。

    All the town was drifting toward the graveyard .

  20. 它的终点决不是坟场;

    And the grave is not its goal ;

  21. 任何人不得准许任何犬只或其他动物进入该坟场。

    No person shall permit any dog or other animal to enter the cemetery .

  22. 等我们把莫斯科变成坟场。

    When we turn Moscow into a graveyard .

  23. 你还没把我送进坟场,我真是幸运。

    I 'm lucky that you haven 't put me in a box cemetery .

  24. 我就是在坟场这死人之家里安慰你的那只猫咪。

    I was the cat who comforted you among the houses of the dead .

  25. 高技术的坟场在中国的农村。

    Eg. The graveyard of the high-tech revolution is ending up in rural China .

  26. 你不敢去坟场,就像个胆小鬼。

    You 're afraid to go into the graveyard , like a little bitch .

  27. 坟场工人是不是喜欢值大夜班(坟场班)?

    Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift ?

  28. 教堂坐落在远离大街的地方,在一片坟场之后。

    The church sits well back from the main street , behind the graveyard .

  29. 弗兰兹和伯爵拾级而下,发觉他们已站在了一个坟场的交叉路口。

    Franz and the count descended these , and found themselves in a mortuary chamber .

  30. 和印地安古坟场上?

    And an ancient Indian burial ground ?