
liàn mǔ qíng jié
  • Oedipus complex;mother complex
恋母情结[liàn mǔ qíng jié]
  1. 论海明威作品中的异形恋母情结

    A Study of the Distorted Oedipus Complex in Hemingway 's Fiction

  2. 当代文学恋母情结的深层旨归

    The Deep Meaning of " Oedipus Complex " in Contemporary Chinese Literature

  3. 浅析《荆棘鸟》中弗兰克的恋母情结

    Analyze Frank 's Oedipus Complex in Thorn Birds

  4. 弗洛伊德在此首次讨论了后来发展的恋母情结理论。

    Freud here also first discusses what would later become the theory of the Oedipus complex .

  5. 对恋母情结而言走太远了?

    Oedipal complex taken too far ?

  6. 试探泰戈尔恋母情结的成因及对其诗歌创作的影响

    On Cause of Formation of Tagore 's Oedipus Complex and Influence to the Creation of His Poetry

  7. 我女朋友在看一本杂志,里面说男人都有恋母情结,都喜欢那些跟自己妈妈长相相似的女孩子。

    My girlfriend was reading in a magazine that men are attracted to women that resemble their mothers .

  8. 第三例是克利福德先生和他保姆博尔顿夫人之间的恋母情结。

    The third is the Oedipus complex between Sir Clifford , the aristocrat and master and her servant nurse Mrs. Bolton .

  9. 它率先通过优化的艺术形式深入探索了现代心理学中的“恋母情结”理论。

    It took the lead in through the optimization of the art form exploring the modern psychology of Oedipus complex theory .

  10. 泰戈尔自身的生活成长经历,让他从小就在思想里萦绕着一种浓浓的恋母情结。

    The experience for Tagore to grow and live himself made him hover a kind of thick oedipus complex in his mind from childhood .

  11. 在现代精神分析学派的创始人弗洛伊德那里,以这一母题为核心的俄狄浦斯情结(恋母情结)成为了一个解释现代人幼年人格心理的一个重要概念。

    Freud , the founder of modern psychoanalysis , uses this motive ( the Oedipus complex ) to interpret a personality psychology characteristic in one 's childhood .

  12. 第四章,结合弗洛伊德主义中的精神分析理论和中国文学作品进一步挖掘恋母情结背后的精神内涵与隐含的意义。

    The fourth chapter , combined with the Freud doctrine in psychoanalytic theory and Chinese literary works to further tap the " Oedipuscomplex " behind the spiritual connotation and implied meaning .

  13. 其中,额吉出现的频率最高,据此形象,批评家们赞美过张承志为人民的创作旗帜,分析过人物的恋母情结,批评过他的民粹主义倾向。

    Among them , the volume lucky appears the frequency is highest , according to the above image , the critics have praised Zhang Cheng & zhi " for the people " creation flag , analyzes excellent Oedipus complex , has criticized him " the populism " tendency .

  14. 17、解不开的恋母恨父情结

    17 . Unresolved attachment to mother with accompanying hatred of father

  15. 我觉得恋母和恋父情结是有科学道理的。

    In the Oedipus complex , a boy is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention .