
hòu zhěn shì
  • waiting room;hospital or clinic waiting room
  1. 他想象谢里尔瘫坐在候诊室的一把塑料椅子上。

    He had a vision of Cheryl , slumped on a plastic chair in the waiting-room

  2. 候诊室里唯一的杂志是一份全是术语的科学期刊,我看不懂。

    The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head .

  3. 对于任何曾在候诊室等候的人来说,禁止使用手机的标志再熟悉不过。

    Signs barring cell-phone use are a familiar sight to anyone who has ever sat in a hospital waiting room .

  4. 他们不得不在候诊室等候。

    They had to wait in the waiting room .

  5. 我悄悄地回到护士站,告诉他们候诊室发生了什么事。

    Quietly , I went back to the nurses ' station and told them what happened in the waiting room .

  6. 警察在候诊室找到了John并且询问了他一些问题。

    A policeman had visited John in the waiting room and asked him questions .

  7. 目的:观察流感流行期与非流行期医院候诊室空气中溶血性链球菌(HS)的变化。

    Objective : To explore the changes of hemolytics streptococcus ( HS ) in epidemic and un-epidemic of influenza ( Flu ) in air of waiting room of hospital .

  8. 美国《读者文摘》公司(Reader'sDigestAssociation)昨日宣布,计划申请自愿破产,该公司成为广告业衰退的最新受害者之一。《读者文摘》曾是候诊室及中产阶级床头历史悠久的必备之选。

    Reader 's Digest turns to Chapter 11 Reader 's Digest Association , the venerable staple of doctors ' waiting rooms and middle-class bedside tables , yesterday announced plans for voluntary bankruptcy as it became the latest victim of the advertising recession .

  9. 我记得和母亲坐在诊所的候诊室,拿着一本《好管家》(GoodHousekeeping)杂志摆在面前,慢慢地翻着,盯着内文,希望候诊室里的大人们以为我确实在读。

    I remember sitting in the waiting room of a doctor 's office with my mother , holding a Good Housekeeping magazine in front of my face , turning the pages slowly , staring at the text , and hoping the grown-ups in the waiting room would think I was actually reading .

  10. 方法用IAHP法求指标权重,用综合评分法对某市6家医院候诊室卫生质量进行综合评价并排序。

    Methods Utilizing the IAHP method to decide the weights of6 variables and to integrate the judgement results of experts , then ranking the health quality of6 hospitals by synthetical scored method .

  11. 当时她母亲和两个兄弟就在候诊室里。

    While her mother and two brothers sat in the waiting room .

  12. 许多人正在候诊室里等着。

    Many people were in the doctor 's waiting room .

  13. 这是医院里的一个候诊室。

    This is a doctor 's waiting-room in a hospital .

  14. 又一次在候诊室等待;

    Again I had to wait in the waiting room .

  15. 候诊室里坐着一位忧心忡忡的病人,当医生传唤他时

    A much worried patient walked into doctor 's office asking for help

  16. 在候诊室里,有六个人排在他前面。

    There were six other people ahead of him in the waiting-room .

  17. 因此许多人在医生的候诊室里静静地等着。

    So there were many patients in the doctor 's waiting room .

  18. 李小姐和其它的病人在候诊室等候着。

    Li waits with others in the waiting room .

  19. 在候诊室等待会让我火气大。

    Waiting in doctors ' offices makes me grouchy .

  20. 从医生候诊室拿走一本杂志

    Swiped a magazine from the doctor 's waiting room

  21. 为什么患者总要在候诊室等那么久?

    Why do patients have to sit so long in the waiting room ?

  22. 他们在候诊室坐着。

    They are sitting in the waiting room .

  23. 杰克坐在候诊室,不知道是否该进去。

    Jake sat in the waiting room , unsure about going in or not .

  24. 他坐在候诊室等候。

    He sat here in the waiting room .

  25. 的确,很多牙医和其他医生都会在他们的候诊室里放鱼缸。

    Indeed , many dentists and other doctors keep aquariums in their waiting rooms .

  26. 第四幕:医院候诊室

    Scene four : the hospital waiting room

  27. 广州某大医院门诊候诊室空气污染状况研究

    Air microorganism pollution in waiting rooms at out-patient department in a large hospital in Guangzhou

  28. 方法:通过现场微生物采样与实验室培养,调查候诊室溶血性链球菌污染水平。

    Methods : HS level was investigated in waiting room by microorganism sampling and incubation .

  29. 在候诊室坐一会儿,医生马上会来给你看病。

    Take a seat in the waiting room ; the doctor will see you presently .

  30. 在医生的候诊室,病人们坐在椅子上等候。

    In the doctor 's waiting room , sick people were sitting on their chair .