首页 / 词典 / good


hòu xuǎn rén
  • candidate;expectant
候选人 [hòu xuǎn rén]
  • [candidate] 有被选举资格而参加竞选的人

  • 提出候选人

候选人[hòu xuǎn rén]
  1. 他赢得了民主党总统候选人的提名。

    He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency .

  2. 她表示愿意作为候选人参加竞选。

    She has signalled she is willing to stand as a candidate .

  3. 他们对四名候选人各自的优点作了比较。

    They weighed up the relative merits of the four candidates .

  4. 两位候选人在过去的一个月里都在取悦媒体。

    Both candidates have spent the last month courting the media .

  5. 每个主要政党都选派出300多名候选人。

    Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates .

  6. 大多数候选人本星期将进行竞选活动。

    Most candidates will be out on the hustings this week .

  7. 他是总统候选人提名的铁定人选。

    He is a sure bet for the presidential nominations .

  8. 他作为候选人参加地方选举。

    He stood as a candidate in the local elections .

  9. 没有一个候选人完全符合这个职位的标准。

    No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position .

  10. 很难在这两个候选人之间决定取舍。

    It was difficult to decide between the two candidates .

  11. 我们高兴地宣布,五位候选人全都当选了。

    We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were successful .

  12. 她被推举为伍德格林选区的议员候选人。

    She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green .

  13. 她被选为巴斯选区的议员候选人。

    She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath .

  14. 他是竞选资金最雄厚的候选人。

    He is the candidate with the biggest campaign bankroll .

  15. 通过甄别的候选人将获邀于下周参加面试。

    Successful candidates will be invited for interview next week .

  16. 那位候选人的形象因丑闻而受到严重损害。

    The candidate was seriously damaged by the sleaze factor .

  17. 两名候选人在民意测验中势均力敌。

    The two candidates are in a dead heat in the polls .

  18. 理想的候选人定要是善于沟通的人。

    The ideal candidate will be an effective communicator .

  19. 她作为民主党的候选人参加竞选。

    She ran for office on the Democratic ticket .

  20. 有几名候选人没有出现在名单中。

    There were several candidates missing from the list .

  21. 候选人必须善于有效地表达自己。

    Candidates must be able to communicate effectively .

  22. 绿党候选人在14000张投票总数中获得了3000多张选票。

    The Green candidate won over 3 000 of the 14 000 votes cast .

  23. 申请这个工作的两个候选人都未获选上。

    Neither candidate was selected for the job .

  24. 候选人中必须有两名是女性。

    Two of the candidates must be female .

  25. 对候选人的评定缺乏客观性。

    There was a lack of objectivity in the way the candidates were judged .

  26. 我们的候选人在选举中得票不多。

    Our candidate fared poorly in the election .

  27. 两个候选人一直都在拉票。

    Both candidates have been trolling for votes .

  28. 所有其余候选人都失掉了竞选保证金。

    All the other candidates lost their deposits .

  29. 有人建议总统候选人找一位女性竞选伙伴。

    The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate .

  30. 有多少候选人参加竞选?

    How many candidates are standing for election ?