
hòu chē tínɡ
  • Shelter;roofed bus stop
  1. 公交候车亭,广告牌,Facebook页面、屏幕保护程序中。

    bus shelters , billboards , Facebook pages , screen savers ,

  2. 当辛格下车,开始在蒙蒙细雨中穿过行人天桥朝着办公室走时,与几十名乘客挤在候车亭的21岁学生里阿卡特·阿里(LiaqatAli)仍在盯着他看。

    As Mr. Singh got off the bus and began walking in the morning drizzle across a pedestrian footbridge toward his office , a 21-year-old student named Liaqat Ali was huddled with dozens of passengers under the bus shelter , continuing to stare .

  3. 通过计算GRP和千人成本,对十堰市公交车车身广告、候车亭广告和户外大牌媒体投放效果进行分析,提出基于GRP的公交车车身广告投放建议。

    Through calculating GRP and thousand people 's cost , the paper analyzed the result about Shiyan bus body advertisement , the advertisement of bus shelter and outdoor big shot , and especially made suggestions on choosing bus body advertisement based on GRP .

  4. 我们在候车亭里躲避暴风雨。

    We took cover from the storm in a bus shelter .

  5. 小镇上正在建设一些公共汽车候车亭。

    New bus shelters are being built in the town .

  6. 他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。

    He stood in the shelter at the bus stop .

  7. 我们得躲在这个候车亭里,一直到雨停。

    We will have to stay in this bus shelter till it stops raining .

  8. 北美公交候车亭的风格

    The Styles of Transit Shelters in North America

  9. 她觉得把那些破坏公共汽车候车亭的年轻人的名字告诉警察是她作为市民应尽的责任。

    She felt it was her civic duty to give the police the names of the youths who had vandalized the bus shelter .

  10. 甚至有人严肃提议在都柏林各处设立出租车候车亭,让等待打车的市民有地方躲雨——爱尔兰的雨可是说下就下。

    There was even a serious proposal to erect taxi shelters across the city , so that waiting citizens could shelter from the Irish rain .

  11. 公交候车亭的人性化设计能够促进城市公共交通的发展,对于经济建设也起到了一定的贡献。

    The humanized design of the bus-stop shelter can facilitate the development of the urban public transportation and make a certain contribution to the economic construction .

  12. 北京正在发起一场奥运献血运动,在市区巴士车站的候车亭和地铁车站的墙上都张贴着广告标语。

    Beijing is in the midst of an Olympic blood drive . Advertising posters line inner city bus stops shelters and are plastered on subway station walls .

  13. 首先,分析九寨沟候车环境现状,发现并总结问题,针对九寨沟的地域特色,结合生态化、人性化等设计原则,不断完善九寨沟候车站点的候车亭及景观环境改造设计。

    First , we analyze the current surroundings of waiting sites , and discover the existing problems . According to the area characteristic and design principles of ecology and humanization , we perfect the planning of both the tourist-bus shelters and the surroundings .