
  1. 希尔先生获有伤残抚恤金。

    Mr Hill has a disability pension .

  2. .他领取伤残抚恤金,因为他在军队服役时失去了双腿。.

    He has a disability pension because he lost his legs while he was in the army

  3. 他领取伤残抚恤金,因为他在军队服役时失去了双腿。

    He has a disability pension because he lost his legs while he was in the army .

  4. 他在一次火灾事故中因残废而得到政府的伤残抚恤金。虽然这次残酷的残酷,中华民族显示出了强大的团结。

    He gets a disability pension from the Government because of his disabilities in a fire accident . Though the bloodiness of the earthquake , Chinese nationality show the huge solidarity .