
shānɡ hán zá bìnɡ lùn
  • On Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases;Shanghan Zabing Lun, Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases
  1. 《伤寒杂病论》中有些疾病以单个症状命名,存在局限性;

    The limitation existed in some diseases named by single symptom .

  2. 《伤寒杂病论》中的病证与经络的传承关系

    Inherent Relationship Between Meridian and Disorders in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease

  3. 《伤寒杂病论》,在中医史上有着极其重要的位置。

    The typhoid miscellaneous diseases theory has the extremely important in shennong position .

  4. 为《伤寒杂病论》,合十六卷。

    As Shanghan Zabing Lun , in sixteen volumes .

  5. 浅析《伤寒杂病论》书名的翻译

    A brief analysis of English translation of the book title of Shanghan Zabing Lun

  6. 桂林古本《伤寒杂病论》六淫病证治研究

    Investigation on the Syndrome and Treatment of Liuyin Disease on the Basis of Guilin Guben

  7. 研究者在探讨《伤寒杂病论》原文涵义的基础上,收集了大量有关小柴胡类方的医案,并分别制订了适合本研究的古代医案和现代医案的纳入标准。

    On the basis of exploring the original meaning of the " Febrile Diseases ", The researchers collected ancient and modern medical cases .

  8. 导师吴修符在多年研究《伤寒杂病论》的基础上,结合临床,认为气化是贯穿张仲景《伤寒杂病论》始终的核心思想。

    From the View of Herb-gasification Theory to Understand the Entirety of Principle , Method , Prescription and Herb in Treatise on Febrile Diseases ;

  9. 其学术思想和临床经验如下:(1)推崇《伤寒杂病论》,诠释中医肿瘤学的学术内涵和辨证规范。

    The academic thoughts and clinical experience as follows : 1 . Respected " Typhus Various illnesses To discuss ", Annotation Chinese medicine oncology academic connotation and dialectical standard .

  10. 张仲景跟同郡张伯祖学医,还学习以前的医学文献,同时还从别的地方收集到很多处方,最后写成医学名著《伤寒杂病论》。

    He learned medicine by studying from his townsfellow Zhang Bozu , assimilating from previous medicinal literature , and collecting many prescriptions elsewhere , finally writing the medical masterpiece Shanghan Zabing Lun .

  11. 张仲景从师同乡张伯祖学医。他汲取前人医学著作之所长,广泛于写出了传世巨著《伤寒杂病论》。

    He learned medicine from his townfellow Zhang Bozu , assimilating from previous medicinal literature , and collecting many prescriptions elsewhere , finally writing the medical masterpiece Shanghan Zabing Lun or Treatise on Febrile Diseases .

  12. 在东汉张仲景《伤寒杂病论》中,腹诊证治被广泛用于临床的辨证论治,奠定了腹诊证治的临床应用和理论基础。

    Treatment of abdominal diagnosis in the Eastern Han Zhang Zhongjing " Shanghanzabinglun " has been widely used in clinical diagnosis and treatment , diagnosis and Treatment of abdominal laid the clinical application and theoretical basis .

  13. 书成之后因战乱频繁及印刷技术落后而流传不广且有窜乱,王叔和对其进行了首次整理。并在其随后撰写的《脉经》中收录了《伤寒杂病论》中的绝大部分内容。

    But it was not spread widely after finished because the frequently war and the unadvanced printing technology . Wang Shuhe reorganized it for the first time , and included most of the content of it in his book Mai Jing .

  14. 第一部分,分别从问题解决理论的问题空间、问题解决策略、知识表征、学习与迁移理论对张仲景《伤寒杂病论》中蕴含的辨证论治过程进行刻画。

    The first part portrayed the process of " syndrome differentiation and treatment " containsed in the Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases , the book of Zhang Zhongjing , under the Problem-solving theory . Problem solving theory included problem-solving strategies , knowledge representation , learning and transfer theory .

  15. 《伤寒杂病论》是中医历史上影响最大的古典医著之一。作者张仲景(150-215),东汉人,被后世称为“医圣”。

    Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases is one of the most significant books in the history of traditional Chinese medical science , written by Zhang Zhongjing ( 150 N 215 ) in the Eastern Han Dynasty , who was called the miracle-working doctor by the descendants .

  16. 《伤寒论杂病论》是我国第一部理、法、方、药完备,理论联系实际临床著作,更为后世中医学的辨证论治的思维模式奠定了基础。

    The book of " Shang Han Za Bing Lun " is the first one to dissertate and apply the theory , medicine and prescription of the clinical work in our country .