
shānɡ cán bǎo xiǎn
  • Disability insurance;casualty insurance
  1. 保险单为突然死亡或伤残保险。

    The insurance policy covers sudden death or disablement .

  2. 你必须先购买信用人寿保险,方可购买伤残保险。

    You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance

  3. 首先,这意味着如果有人需要你供养的话,你要去投保人寿保险和伤残保险。

    First : Get life insurance , and disability insurance , if you have dependents .

  4. 撮要:今期保险观察是伤残保险专辑的第二部份。

    This issue of Risk Insights ? is the second of a two-part series on disability insurance .

  5. 提供人寿保险、意外伤残保险和养老保险等有助于吸引和留住雇员。

    Offering life insurance and total and permanent disability cover with superannuation can help attract and retain employees .

  6. 在西方发达国家,职业运动员伤残保险是其国内竞技体育产业的重要保障手段。

    In developed western countries , professional athlete disability insurance is an important means in supporting its domestic sports industry .

  7. 然而我国现阶段的职业运动员现有的伤残保险水平远远落后于我国竞技体育事业的发展水平。

    However , Chinese current disability insurance protection level of professional athletes is far behind the development of its competitive sports level .

  8. 员工福利通常指退休方案、健康保险、人寿保险、伤残保险、休假、员工持股计划等。

    Employee benefits typically refers to retirement plans , health life insurance , life insurance , disability insurance , vacation , employee stock ownership plans , etc.

  9. 如选择保险引述出数百或数千可用的是,并不难还不够,有几个更多的偏头痛所涉及的,一旦您购买的长期伤残保险。

    As if choosing an insurance quote out of hundreds or thousands available was not hard enough , there are several more migraines involved once you purchased long term disability insurance .

  10. 评估福利,比如:健康保险的质量和成本、休假和病假的天数、退休计划的有效性,以及人寿保险和伤残保险。

    Evaluate the benefits , such as : quality and cost of health insurance , number of days for vacation and sick leave , availability of retirement plans , life and disability insurance .

  11. 讨论的题材包括伤残保险在美国人口、需求及分布;个人伤残保险的新兴产品及参与者;行动比趋势的声势还要大;数据不完整?

    Topics discussed are disability insurance in the u.s. & demographics , demand , and distribution ; emerging products and players in individual di ; actions speak louder than trends ; data not perfect ?

  12. 大学生在校期间应通过购买伤残保险以及社会和高校建立体育运动伤害事故专项基金等方式来解决严重伤害事故。

    College students ought to buy wounded and disable insurance , or the special fund for injury accidents of sports activities between society and colleges and universities and some other means to solve the problem .

  13. 她补充道:薪酬的福利部分非常复杂。看看那些各种各样的保险,比如人寿保险和伤残保险,再加上奖金和股票期权,还有汽车补贴和健身俱乐部会员资格等等。

    The benefits piece of the package can be complicated , she adds , if you look at various kinds of insurance , including life and disability , plus bonuses and stock options , all the way down to things like car allowances and health club memberships .

  14. 我国优秀运动员伤残互助保险的现状及发展对策研究

    China 's Elite Athletes ' Disabled Mutual Assistance Insurance Status and Development Strategies Research

  15. 健康欠佳/伤残于友邦保险退休金服务而言包括永久丧失工作能力及严重病患。

    Ill-health / Disability includes the events of Permanent Loss of Work Capacity and Serious Illness as stated in AIA ( B ) Macau Retirement Fund Services .