
shānɡ hén wén xué
  • scar literature
  1. 写在“伤痕文学”边上

    Writing at the edge of " the bruise literature "

  2. 弱者文化的传播途征:生命幻视与精神自疗&伤痕文学的征兆阅读

    The transmit way of the weaker culture : Life heteroptics and spiritual self-cured

  3. 伤痕文学的三种体验类型

    The Three Types of Experience in Trauma Literature

  4. 伤痕文学的历史局限性

    The Historical Limitations of Trauma Literature

  5. 但伤痕文学时的身体尚不能逃脱政治符号而独立,只能是对身体进行精神拯救。

    But bodies in the " scar literature ", not free and independent from the political symbols . can only be rescued spiritually .

  6. 第三章着重分析了伤痕文学的归罪姿态与释罪结果之间的矛盾关系。

    The third chapter focuses on analyzing the scars of literary interpretation of the blame attitude and the contradiction between the justification results .

  7. 作为超话语的存在:与伤痕文学相伴随的社会主义新人批评话语

    Existence as a Supra-discourse : The Discourse of Criticism for " Socialist People of A New Type " Accompanying " Trauma Literature "

  8. 从新闻学的视角探究伤痕文学出现的历史意义,主要有:伤痕文学具有新闻的宣传意义和揭露功能;

    This paper discusses the historical significance of trauma literature from the journalistic perspective , which lies in it has the propagating and disclosing functions ;

  9. 要正确评价伤痕文学的意义和局限,必须把它纳入20世纪中国文学的长河中进行考察,既要看到它对陈规旧俗的突破、对后来文学的开拓作用,更要看到必然存在的局限。

    In order to evaluate the meaning and limit exactly , we should place it in the long river of the whole 20th century Chinese literature history .

  10. 伤痕文学作为新时期文苑中的第一束花朵,她的花开花谢都具有重要意义。

    " Scar literature " as the first bouquet of flowers in the new era of literature , her bloom and wither are both of great significance .

  11. 这决定了伤痕文学在新的历史阶段仍然会按照传统的习惯预设文学方案,并将这种思维方式很自然地带入艺术构思、创作和人物形象的塑造之中。

    This means that Trauma Literature will continue its conventional presupposition in the new historical period and naturally bring this way of thinking into artistic fabrication and characterization .

  12. 在“伤痕文学”、“反思文学”阶段,乡村小说创作的“社会悲剧”主要描写了两种人物的悲剧:普通农民的生活悲剧和为民请愿者的抗争悲剧。

    In trauma literature and reflection literature time , local novels mainly wrote two kinds of characters'tragedies : ordinary peasants ' living tragedy and petitioners ' rebelling tragedy .

  13. 尽管伤痕文学呈现出归罪的文学姿态,但理想罪和二元对立人物模式却无意中为集体释罪,从而使伤痕文学充满了归罪与释罪的矛盾。

    Although the trauma literature presents the literature , but blame ideal sin and binary character pattern has inadvertently released for sin , collective trauma literature full of contradiction and blame .

  14. 伤痕文学通过选择性记忆和光明叙述来促进强制遗忘,与社会意识形态的趋同使得批判力度大为消减。不过,这种强制遗忘也造成了记忆加强,更何况伤痕文学存在的本身意义就是拒绝遗忘。

    The trauma literature through selective memory and light narrative , to promote the mandatory forgotten by criticizing the efforts to strengthen the memory also exists , besides the trauma literature Itself significance is refused to forget .

  15. 进行文本细读,采用比较分析的方法,揭示伤痕文学矛盾统一的文本特征,探究其显文本和潜文本理解的可能是本论文的一大重点。

    On the text , using the method of comparison , and explains the contradiction and unified of trauma literature , explores the Obvious text and explicit understanding of this text is likely to feature of a dissertation .

  16. 第二,伤痕文学从自然属性、伦理道德、情感领域和精神方面对人性进行了一定的探索和反思,揭示了非常态人性和人的严重异化,同时也肯定和呼吁着美好人性的恢复。

    Secondly , scar literature explores and reconsiders human nature in instinct , ethic and moral , feeling and spirit fields , opens out the abnormal human nature and severe dissimilation phenomenon , affirms and calls on nice natures back .

  17. 中国作为后发展国家或第三世界国家的文学想象在八十年代遭遇了深刻的激变,本论文从记忆的角度考察了八十年代文学从伤痕文学到先锋小说的演进轨迹。

    China , as developing countries or countries of the third world literary imagination in the 1980s encountered deep convulsions , this paper from the Angle of memory in the 1980s literature from the trauma literature to pioneer novels evolution history .

  18. 再论伤痕、反思文学中的知识分子形象

    On Intellectuals ' Images in Scar and Introspection Literature

  19. 新时期以写实手法的伤痕、反思文学思想上的时代精神具有政治、历史现实品格。

    New period of " realism " style " scars ", " Reflection " literary intellectual spirit of the times of political , historical reality character .

  20. 不同于伤痕、反思等文学思潮的昙花一现,新历史小说有着强大的生命力。

    Different wounds , such as literary reflection of a flash in the pan trends .