- 名degree of disablement

The degree of injured and the time of heal had positive correlation with the scores of anxiety and depression ( all P < 0.01 );
The longer clinical course ( P < 0.01 ) or the higher disability status scale ( DSS ) score ( P < 0.05 ), mean serum UA level was lower .
The rate of body impairment of ⅸ - ⅹ grade was 55.9 % .
Although the injury rate of the wasps that enter syconia was quite high , they can nonetheless complete egg-laying or pollination .
A team from the University 's Violence Research Group found that injuries inflicted with feet were more likely to result in severe injury than any other method of assault .
The main objective of our next step of medical treatment is to reduce the death and the degree of disability of the wounded , to the minimum extent possible .
With it also being in mind that we can also help less disabled people , still severely disabled , for example with arm amputation , but perhaps less so .
Researching occupational disease , classifying the disability , the concrete procedure of appraisal , and the suggestion on the processing principle and the compensation scope are helpful to the legislative work .
The disability degree of the groups undergoing dialysis was high , their economic disease burden was heavy , and the phenomenon of running into debt due to dialysis treatment was widespread .
Objective To discuss the relation between degree of body impairment and that of thoracolumbar spinal injuries resulting from road traffic accidents , and sum up the experiences in body impairment assessment and its regularity .
Method Data from 862 cases with cranio-cerebral injury in road traffic accidents were collected and were statistically analyzed according to injured body part , complication , the type of complications and the severity of injury .
At the moment the compensation system of industrial injury insurance and occupational diseases is based on the degree of disability rather than the nature of the damage which resulting in insufficient funds for the most occupation patients .
【 Object 】 To found the digital prediction equation of event-related potential test results and other relevant factors of cognitive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury between the location of injury , degree of brain injure , coma time , IQ .
Conclusion It was very important to close burn wound as soon as possible , to correct deformity , to improve dysfunction , to perform cosmesis and plastic surgery and to rebuild patients self-esteem in order to prevent or decrease the incidence of postburn phobic neurosis .
To start intervention in this period is probably to stimulate the growth of cerebral cells and decrease the occurrence or intensity of disability .
A Debate About Mental Disability Expertise of the Disability Evaluation Criteria of Traffic Accident Injurious