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  • 网络turbinate
  1. 结论:下鼻甲骨黏骨膜下切除术适用于下鼻甲骨质增厚为主的HR;

    Conclusion : Submucoperiosteous resection of inferior turbinate bone is safe , effective manner for HR with inferior turbinate bony hypertrophy .

  2. 方法:162例HR患者分别行下鼻甲骨黏骨膜下切除术(A组)、下鼻甲部分切除术(B组)和下鼻甲黏膜下微波热凝术(C组)。

    Method : One hundred and sixty-two cases of HR were treated separately by submucoperiosteous resection of inferior turbinate bone ( group A ), partial inferior turbinectomy ( group B ) and submucosal hot-coagulation of inferior turbinate with microwave ( group C ) .

  3. 猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎(AR,Atrophicrhinitis)是猪的一种慢性传染病,以鼻甲骨萎缩、慢性鼻炎、泪斑为特征。

    Contagious Atrophic Rhinitis of pig is a chronic contagion , which character is nosepiece bone atrophy , chronic coryza , tear stains .

  4. PAR能导致猪鼻甲骨发生不可逆的萎缩变形,饲料转化率降低,猪只生长速度下降,同时易引起其他呼吸道病原的继发感染,给世界各地的养猪业造成了巨大的经济损失。

    This disease causes significant economic losses in the swine industry worldwide , as it results in serious atrophy of the turbinate bones , inefficient feed conversion and reducing growth rates of the swine . Besides , it leads to secondary infection of other respiratory pathogens .

  5. 此缘到下鼻甲骨前端的宽度平均为2.62±0.07mm。

    ( b ) the width of the lateral part of this margin was measured from the free border of the margin to the anterior end of the inferior turbinate , the average width is 2.62 ± 0.07mm ;

  6. 最近,有些研究者们一直在恐龙鼻腔内寻找呼吸鼻甲骨。

    More recently , some researchers have looked for respiratory turbinates in the nasal passages of dinosaurs .

  7. 目的探讨高速电钻下鼻甲骨磨削术治疗下鼻甲肥大的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of high-speed electric burr abrading procedure for inferior turbinate bone hypertrophy .

  8. 从轻度炎症到有粘膜和鼻甲骨坏死的鼻炎均可见到。

    Rhinitis of varying severity form mild inflammation to necrotizing effects on mucosa and turbinate bone may by seen .

  9. 美国口腔和颌鼻甲骨联合会的医生说年轻人拔除智齿是最合适的。

    The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons says young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal .

  10. 呼吸鼻甲骨是大多数现代的温血动物(哺乳动物和鸟类)鼻孔内所具有的精巧的、螺旋状的骨骼。

    Respiratory turbinates are fine , scroll-shaped bones found in the noses of most modern warm-blooded animals ( mammals and birds ) .

  11. PEG-从动物试验显示,这类污染化学成份渗透体内,竟能导致催生作用,诱变成为肝癌及鼻甲骨癌症。

    PEG-May produce cancer of the liver and nasal turbines in animal test , as well as systemic cancer in skin painting test .

  12. 高速电钻下鼻甲骨磨削术50例下鼻甲骨粘骨膜下部分切除术60例报告

    High speed electric burr abrading procedure for inferior tubinate bone hypertrophy ( 50 cases report ) Submucous partial inferior turbinectomy in treating chronic rhinitis

  13. 目的比较黏膜瓣下鼻甲成形术、黏膜下下鼻甲骨切除术、下鼻甲微波手术和传统下鼻甲部分切除术对鼻黏膜纤毛功能的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of turbinatoplasty with mucosal flap , submucosal turbinatectomy , partial turbinatectomy and microwave ablation on nasal mucociliary function .

  14. 结果表明,中鼻甲骨性结构解剖变异对解释本病病因有重要意义,16例患者经手术治疗疗效满意。

    The results showed that anatomical variant of the osseous structure of middle nasal concha has great meaning for interpreting the cause of disease .

  15. 在去除增生的鼻甲骨的同时,对增生肥厚的粘膜应进行相应的处理,以利于术后鼻腔通气引流功能的恢复。

    Except removing the proliferous turbinate bone , the hypertrophic mucosa should also be deal correspondingly so that to benefit the ventilation and drainage of the nasal after operation .

  16. 目的:评估下鼻甲骨粘骨膜下部分切除术治疗慢性鼻炎的疗效,结合病理检查探讨下鼻甲骨在慢性鼻炎发病机制中的作用。

    Objective : To evaluate submucous partial inferior turbinectomy in treating chronic rhinitis , and to discuss the role of the inferior turbinate bone in the developing mechanism of chronic rhinitis .

  17. 33例局部麻醉,13例气管插管全身麻醉。6例同期行鼻中隔矫正术,7例同时行下鼻甲骨黏膜下切除术。

    Among them , 13 had hypertension history , 33 cases were undertaken local anesthesia , 13 were undertaken general tracheal intubation anesthesia , 6 cases were performed correction of nasal septum simultaneously , and 7 cases were simultaneously performed submucoperiosteous resection of inferior turbinate .