
bí yān
  • snuff
鼻烟 [bí yān]
  • [snuff] 由鼻孔吸入的粉末状的烟草制品

鼻烟[bí yān]
  1. 鼻烟壶支的皮支1~2支,外径(0.6±0.2)mm。

    1-2 cutaneous branches of snuff tobacco with the external diameter of ( 0.6 ± 0.2 ) mm .

  2. 鼻烟壶的价值界定和收藏取向

    The determination of value rand direction of collection of snuff bottle

  3. 结果:桡动脉鼻烟窝段的长度为2.5±0.1cm,其近侧端和远侧端外径分别为2.6±0.1mm和2.2±0.1mm;

    Results : Snuff-box segment of the radial artery were 2.5 ± 0.1 mm long , 2.6 ± 0.1 mm and 2.2 ± 0.1 mm in diameters in its proximal part and distal part .

  4. 口袋中装的放鼻烟的装饰性的小盒子。

    A small ornamental box for carrying snuff in your pocket .

  5. 以鼻烟窝区血管作动静脉内瘘血液透析的应用解剖

    Blood vessels in Snuff-box region : Their anatomy and use in hemodialysis

  6. 我们认为,将军鼻烟能领导这种类别的产品。

    We believe that General Snus can command the category .

  7. 在所有的北欧市场中,鼻烟销售额和销量都增长。

    Snus sales and volumes grew in all Scandinavian markets .

  8. “零度时尚薄荷”是一款新型鼻烟产品。

    Zerostyle Mint is a new style snuff tobacco product .

  9. 老年尿毒症患者建立鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘应用于血液透析的临床研究

    Clinical study of snuffbox arteriovenous fistula in elderly hemodialysis patients

  10. 你见过我的鼻烟盒,是不是?

    You 've seen my snuff-box , haven 't you ?

  11. 鼻烟是瑞典火柴的主要盈利来源和最盈利的产品。

    Snuff is Swedish Match 's main earnings generator and most profitable product .

  12. 他有条狗,一闻到别人的鼻烟就抽筋。

    Owns a dog that has a fit when it sniffs a snuff-box .

  13. 手鼻烟窝部动静脉内瘘在血液透析中的临床应用研究

    Clinical application study with snuffbox arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis

  14. 在瑞典,鼻烟价格接近于卷烟的价格,他说。

    Snus prices are approaching those of cigarettes in Sweden , he said .

  15. 它的灰熊品牌是美国最畅销的湿鼻烟品牌。

    Its Grizzly brand is the best-selling brand of moist snuff in the U.S.

  16. 咀嚼烟草或吸鼻烟是安全的方法吗?

    Is chewing tobacco or taking snuff a safe form of tobacco use ?

  17. 美国鼻烟公司制造的品牌有灰熊和科迪亚克。

    American Snuff makes the Grizzly and Kodiak brands .

  18. 侧侧吻合术式可作为鼻烟窝内瘘首选术式。

    Side to side anastomosis is preferred to build anatomical snuffbox arteriovenous fistula .

  19. 鼻烟和口嚼烟都含有致癌物质。

    Both snuff and chewing tobacco contain deadly carcinogens .

  20. 鼻烟壶内画就是在鼻烟壶内壁做画。

    Interior painting of snuff bottles is an art in and of itself .

  21. 以桡动脉鼻烟窝段为蒂岛状皮瓣的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of an island flap with the snuff-box segment of the radial artery

  22. 寡妇为什么就找不到被偷走的那只银器的鼻烟盒子呢?

    Why can 't the widow get back her silver snuffbox that was stole ?

  23. 钛轮钉制作鼻烟壶动静脉内瘘用于血液透析的效果观察

    Observation on the Effects of Snuffbox Arteriovenous Fistulae with Titanium Wheel Nail for Hemodialysis

  24. 鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘用于血液透析的探讨

    Study of the effect of internal arteriovenous fistula at anatomical snuff - box for hemodialysis

  25. 鼻烟壶中人们最感兴趣的就是内画鼻烟壶,也就是在壶的内部进行绘画或者书法创作。

    The class of bottle that arouses most interest is that known as inside painted .

  26. 在工厂嚼烟叶、鼻烟和牙签都是禁止项目。

    Items such as chewing tobacco ; snuff and toothpicks are not allowed in plant .

  27. 现在很少有人吸鼻烟。

    Very few people take snuff nowadays .

  28. 结论:可设计以桡动脉鼻烟窝段为蒂的岛状筋膜皮瓣,修复手部软组织缺损,对手部的血供无明显影响。

    Conclusions : Soft tissue defects in hand can be repaired with this island flap .

  29. 得意的时候他只闻一点鼻烟。

    When he was pleased with himself , he permitted himself a pinch of snuff .

  30. 瑞典和挪威是唯一允许销售鼻烟的西欧国家。

    Sweden and Norway are the only western European countries that permit the sale of snus .