
bí yān hú
  • snuff bottle;snuff box
鼻烟壶 [bí yān hú]
  • [snuff bottle] 一种盛鼻烟的小壶或小瓶

  1. 鼻烟壶的价值界定和收藏取向

    The determination of value rand direction of collection of snuff bottle

  2. 而今,鼻烟壶盛鼻烟的功能已成为历史,而以内画载体的形势出现。

    Now , snuff bottle used for snuff function become history already , and less than situation to paint carrier appear .

  3. 鼻烟壶支的皮支1~2支,外径(0.6±0.2)mm。

    1-2 cutaneous branches of snuff tobacco with the external diameter of ( 0.6 ± 0.2 ) mm .

  4. 鼻烟壶内画就是在鼻烟壶内壁做画。

    Interior painting of snuff bottles is an art in and of itself .

  5. 钛轮钉制作鼻烟壶动静脉内瘘用于血液透析的效果观察

    Observation on the Effects of Snuffbox Arteriovenous Fistulae with Titanium Wheel Nail for Hemodialysis

  6. 鼻烟壶不仅是盛装鼻烟的实用容器,更是供人玩赏和显示身份地位的艺术佳品。

    The snuff bottle is not only a useful container holding snuff , but an artwork for contemplation and manifestation of reputation as well .

  7. 发展至今,鼻烟壶虽已不具备过去的实用功能,但是作为一种工艺品或收藏品却有着重要的文化价值。

    At present , snuff bottles having not have the practical function , but it has important cultural value as an arts and crafts or collectibles .

  8. 你简直是要发狂了,绅士说着,取出鼻烟壶来,我真替你难过。竹斋看着荪甫说,慌慌张张地把他那个随身携带的鼻烟壶递过去。

    " You are desperate ," said the gentleman , taking out his snuff-box ," and I am sorry for you . " This diagnosis came from Tu Chu-chaff . He glanced at Wu Sun-fu , fumbled nervously for his snuff-box and gave it to him .

  9. 竹斋看着荪甫说,慌慌张张地把他那个随身携带的鼻烟壶递过去。杜竹斋刚刚坐下,还没开口,荪甫就将一张纸撩给他看。

    This diagnosis came from Tu Chu-chaff . He glanced at Wu Sun-fu , fumbled nervously for his snuff-box and gave it to him . Directly Tu Chu-chaff sat down , and before he could say a word , Wu Sun-fu tossed over a sheet of paper .

  10. 随着鼻烟传入中国,盛放鼻烟的容器&鼻烟壶也逐渐出现,内画就是从鼻烟壶发展而来。

    With the container of snuff was introduced to China , the inner painting snuff bottle gradually appearing .