
mǎ dá
  • motor
马达 [mǎ dá]
  • [motor] 机械动力源,如汽油发动机、电动机

  1. 拉动手柄启动马达。

    Pull the lever to start the motor .

  2. 他按下按钮启动马达的时候保险丝烧断了。

    The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor

  3. 机器老是卡住,马达隔不了几分钟就突然熄火。

    Every few minutes the motor cut out as the machinery became jammed .

  4. 我们重新启动马达,沿河而下。

    Restarting the engine , we motored downriver .

  5. 马达的声音不正常,最好检查一下。

    The motor sounds rough - better get it checked .

  6. 她没想到他竟然送给她一艘由小马达驱动的小船作为生日礼物。

    She was so surprised that he would give her a boat propelled by a small motor as a birthday present .

  7. 采用ac马达调速系统直接控制切割进刀及速度,以达到高品质之切条。

    Using AC motor speed control system directly and cutting feed rate to achieve high quality cut .

  8. 当我几乎绝望时,马达却突然转动起来了。

    Suddenly , the motor kicked on , when I had almost given up hope .

  9. 马达少了一个零件。

    This motor has a part missing .

  10. 不要让马达空转。

    Don 't race your motor .

  11. 这种启动马达声誉不错,但是人们不时也会遇到运转不正常的机器,无论你怎么调整都没用。

    This make of starter-motor has a good reputation but every so often you get one that just won 't function properly however much you tinker with it .

  12. 手套的每个手指上都装有震动马达。

    Shaking motors are put on each finger of the glove .

  13. 马达发出似咳嗽和呼噜的声音

    The motor coughed and spat .

  14. 小型DC马达,风扇专用自动化设备。

    Small DC motors , fans , special automation equipment .

  15. 马达皮带轮和v形皮带

    Motor pulley and V-belt

  16. 泵/马达熔线(ABS泵)

    Pump / motor fuse ( abs pump )

  17. 开放到ABS泵/马达继电器的输出电路

    Open ABS pump / motor relay output circuit

  18. 在这个系列文章的第一部分,他描述了一个控制H桥驱动马达的机器人平台。

    In the first part of this article series , he describes a robotic platform that drives motors and controls an H-bridge .

  19. 因而说明在泵控马达系统中采用模糊PID自整定控制算法是一种有效的方法。

    Throughly , it is an effectual method that this algorithm is adapted to the electrohydraulic proportional pump-controled motor system .

  20. 静、动态特性分析和PID控制研究表明,该系统与普通泵控液压马达系统相比具有调速特性好、响应时间短的优点,与普通阀控液压马达系统相比具有效率较高的优点。

    It analyzes static and dynamic state of PID control , the system has good performance and short of respond time .

  21. 基于最新参考文献与INTERNET网络查询,本文提出超声马达或压电驱动器在我国科技领域最新的研究成果及其未来走向。

    Based on recent literatures and INTERNET intermedium , this paper presents interesting late research accomplishments and future main trend of ultrasonic motors or piezoelectric actuators in technological Chinese society .

  22. 第二部分介绍计算分子马达的理论计算方法&主方程方法,着重计算了分子马达一维周期性N态跃迁模型的稳态情况。

    In the second part , a method on studying stochastic transition of the Master equation is introduced . Mainly describes one-dimension N-state period model under steady state .

  23. 基于CMAC的高精度泵控马达位置伺服系统研究

    The study on pump control motor servo system based CMAC

  24. 接通,以DRB激活泵/马达。

    Key on , with the DRB actuate the pump / motor .

  25. 直径1mm电磁型实用超微马达的设计

    Design of the Electromagnetic Micro-motor with 1 mm Diameter

  26. 基于SU-8胶转子的非接触压电微马达

    A Non-contact Piezoelectric Micromotor Using SU-8 Resist Rotor

  27. 这些应用包括高分辨率彩色喷墨打印机、气流发生器件、压电陶瓷继电器、压电旋转马达、光纤开关和CCD摄象器。

    The applications discussed are high-resolution color ink-jet printers , air-flow generating fans , piezoelectric ceramic relays , piezoelectric rotating motors , optical fiber switches , and CCD imaging devices .

  28. 安装IAC马达至节气阀体。

    Install IAC motor to throttle body .

  29. 对有马达法辛烷实验值的芳香烃分子进行研究时,用C节点-C连接数的倒数方法计算的自相关拓扑指数与辛烷值间的相关性最显著,其相关系数为0.9537。

    To study the aromatic molecules of having experimental octane number , the fittings of the autocorrelation topological indexes of the inverse of carbon-carbon connection to the motor octane numbers present high correlation coefficients , and it is 0.9537 .

  30. 系统继电器和泵/马达继电器箱(安装于HCU)

    System relay and pump / motor relay box ( mounted on hcu )