
zhuàn zhóu
  • rotation shaft;revolving shaft;plan;spin axis;spiale;idea
转轴 [zhuǎn zhóu]
  • (1) [spin axis]∶机械轴

  • (2) [idea;plan]∶比喻主意或心眼儿

  • 她脑袋里有七十二个转轴儿,你弄不过她

转轴[zhuàn zhóu]
  1. 相对论性气体动力学二端面弹性转轴相对转动动力学模型研究

    Research on the dynamic model of an elastic rotation shaft with two end faces in relation rotation

  2. 偏压错台小净距隧道力学性态相似模型试验基于相对论性原理建立了二端面弹性转轴的动力学方程、对动力学方程及相似动力学方程。

    Model Test on Mechanical Behavior of Two Shallow-buried Closely-spaced Tunnels at Different Elevations Under Unsymmetrical Load A similarity dynamics equation and a relative dynamics equation of an elastic rotation shaft with twin sides based on the theory of relativity are built in this paper .

  3. 她满脑子尽是转轴。

    Her head is full of ideas .

  4. 在陀螺的设计中,转轴构件通常比外部构件要热一些。

    Usually in gyro designs the shaft member tends to run hotter than the outer member .

  5. 象转轴Sn与有机物的旋光性

    A Rotation-reflection Axis S_n and Optical Activity of Organic Compounds

  6. Matlab语言在电机转轴设计中的应用

    Application of Matlab in Design of Generator Rotor Shaft

  7. 研制了一种基于PSD的激光三角法非接触式光电转轴测量系统。

    A non-contact photoelectricity rotation axis measurement system based on PSD and laser triangulation was developed .

  8. OLAP通用模块是系统的核心,有效地实现了OLAP的上卷,下挖,转轴等操作;

    It realizes the main functions of OLAP such as drill-down , roll-up , pivot and so on ;

  9. Timoshenko转轴模型的若干讨论

    Some Discussion on the Critical Speed of Rotary Shaft in Timoshenko 's Beam Model

  10. 利用FFT频谱分析小波包分解的低频段,用来诊断转轴的各类故障.阐述了缺陷的种类、可能造成的后果与影响;

    This makes it possible to diagnose the different faults of machines . Then the possible consequences and affects due to the software faults are stated .

  11. 本装置采用转轮式结构,转轮的转轴与外壳之间填充有蜂窝状基材,基材上附着结构稳定且吸附量大的钙X分子筛吸附剂。

    It is full of cellular material between the revolving shaft and shell of the rotating wheel . Ga-X molecular sieves with high adsorption capacity and stable structure are adhered to cellular material .

  12. 5.n.〈旧〉〈俚〉电工;无线电通讯员6.【化】电动工具头座机器或动力工具上用于安装旋转部件的不能移动的部分,如车床的转轴

    A nonmoving part of a machine or power tool that supports a revolving part , such as the spindle of a lathe .

  13. 为能够对大型复杂旋转机械转轴动态载荷特性进行在线监测,给出一个表征转轴动载特性的参量&动载波动系数K(ID)。

    In order to monitor the dynamic load characteristic of rotating shaft of large-scale rotary machine , a new measured parameter-dynamic load fluctuation coefficient K_ ( ID ) is pre - sented .

  14. 为此,给出了两相干点源空间干涉的精确解,该解是以两点源s1和s2为公焦点,以s1s2为转轴的回转双叶双曲面族。

    This paper presents the accurate solution for the interference of two coherent point sources , which is a family of hyperboloid .

  15. Hale-Bopp彗星自转轴指向的确定

    Determination 0f the spin axis of Comet Hale-Bopp

  16. 运用约束螺旋理论辨识出3-PRS并联机构的转轴。

    Using screw theory , rotational axis of 3-PRS parallel mechanism is identified .

  17. 本文首先推导出由标准球心径向误差运动中K次分量而产生的表征转轴平面回转运动特性的四种曲线方程,并简单地讨论了它们的几何形状。

    In this paper equation of four sorts of the curve are derived which result from K dimension component of radial error motion of master sphere center and indicate plane rotary motion characteristic of rotating axle , and their geometry are simply discussed .

  18. 本文在Lemke互补转轴算法的基础上进一步研究线性互补问题的灵敏度分析。

    Based on the Lemke 's complementary pivoting algorithm this paper studies the sensitivity of the linear complementary problems .

  19. 计算发现当转轴位置从空载的d轴随功率角和电流增大到负载的q轴时,气隙磁密波形逐渐从矩形变为接近正弦形。

    It is found that magnetic flux density waveform in the air gap varies from rectangular to approximately sinusoidal waveform when the rotor position changes from direct axis at no load to quadrature axis at load with power angle and phase current increasing .

  20. 200MW汽轮机转轴校直技术经验及分析

    The Technical Experience of Straightening the Revolving Shaft of 200 MW Steam Turbines and Its Analysis

  21. 还推导了子午方向观测中由于过任一天体的赤经圈投影与子午面之间夹角的变化对量度坐标x测定值的影响,所有这些都是由于转轴观测和星象偏离芯片相对中心引起的。

    The influence of the variation in the angle between the projection of the right ascension circle of an object and the meridian plane on the determined value of the measured coordinate x during the observation of the star carried out in the meridian direction is also derived .

  22. 由5V电压驱动电磁机构动作,带动微反射镜绕直径100μm转轴转动,实现开关的状态切换。

    Each reflection cell in the switch consists of an electromagnetically actuated gold-coated silicon mirror rotating around a 100 μ m diameter shaft and a miniature 5 V driven coil .

  23. 提出了Lemke互补转轴算法的一种改进格式&紧缩Lemke算法,该方法可以有效地节省存储单元和减少计算工作量。

    A compact Lemke 's algorithm was presented as the improvement of Lemke 's complementary pivoting algorithm . It reduces data storage and computing cost effectively .

  24. 根据测量原理和图像处理方法,编写了相关程序。最后使用CCD相机在一个转轴上对测量原理进行了验证性实验并分析了测量误差。通过实验发现该方法测量方便,精度也较高。

    According to measurement theory and image processing methods , the software is developed . Finally , through an experiment with CCD camera on one shaft and analysis of measurement error , it can be concluded that the measurement method is easy to use and has a high accuracy .

  25. 电磁轴承EMB是利用电磁力将转轴无机械磨擦、无润滑地悬浮在空间,并且轴心位置可以由控制系统控制的一种新型轴承。

    EMB is a new kind of bearing which suspends in the space with no machine friction , no lubrication utilizing the magnetic force , whose position can be controlled by controller system .

  26. 通过对经典的Lemke互补转轴算法求解含有等式约束的凸二次规划问题的分析,发现所得到的线性互补问题(LCP)可能是退化的。

    Through analyzing the process of solving convex quadratic programming with equality constraints by classical Lemke pivot algorithm , we found that the corresponding linear complementarity problem ( LCP ) may be degenerate .

  27. 讨论线性互补问题与Lemke互补转轴算法,将此算法推广到两类凸二次规划;

    This paper deals with the linear complementary problem and Lemke 's complementary pivoting algorithm . First , the algorithm is extended to some types of convex quadratic programming .

  28. 转速Ω等于转轴扭振固有频率ωt0与弯振固有频率ω0之和或之差时,可能发生弯扭耦合共振;

    Resonance of coupled flexural-torsion vibration happens when rotation frequency Ω is equal to the sum ( or errand ) of inherence frequency ω t0 of torsion and ω 0 of flexural vibration .

  29. 实验结果表明,FRP对扭转轴力学参数的提高具有一定的作用,对扭转变形的限制作用显著。(2)FRP加固扭转轴扭转疲劳的实验探索,提出一些扭转疲劳实验的建议和改进措施。

    The results show that FRP has an effect on improvement of mechanical parameters of torsion axis and limiting of torsion deformation significantly . ( 2 ) Torsion fatigue experiment of torsion axis is made , and gave some suggest for torsion fatigue test and improvement measures .

  30. 发生在某电厂1台300MW汽轮机低压转子轴承上的突发性振动,经过测试分析,诊断为工作转速下的转轴碰磨振动。

    Abnormal vibration happened on a Turbine LP shaft of 300 MW unit in a power plant , By test and analysis . it is diagnosed a vibration of rubbing rotor on rated speed .