
  1. 因此,陆定一是我国马克思主义新闻学当之无愧的奠基人和开拓者。

    Therefore , Lu Dingyi is the founder and the earlier worker of Marxism journalism in China .

  2. 除此之外,两人以高度的理论自觉对新闻事业的工作性质、客观规律阐述了许多精辟的见解,为我国马克思主义新闻学的诞生作出了巨大贡献。

    In addition , they had issued lots of wonderful opinions about the nature of news and the rule of news according to their high consciousness in theory which did great contribution to the birth of Marxist journalism in China .

  3. 马克思主义新闻观是马克思主义理论在新闻学领域中的具体体现,是伴随着无产阶级新闻事业而产生和发展的。

    Marxism news view is the concrete reflection of Marxism in the field of journalism . Marx is the creator of Marxism news theory .