
  • 网络Marius;malus
  1. 于是他领着他走进“ABC的朋友们”的那间大厅,把他介绍给其他的伙伴们,低声说着这样一句马吕斯听不懂的简单话:“一个开蒙学生。”

    And he led him to the hall of the Friends of the A B C.He presented him to the other comrades , saying this simple word which Marius did not understand : " A pupil . "

  2. 随后,她仔细端详马吕斯,表现出一种奇特的神情,对他说

    Then she scrutinized Marius , assumed a singular air and said

  3. 用CCD测试系统验证马吕斯定律实验

    The application of CCD in the Malus ' law experiment

  4. CCD测试系统在马吕斯定律验证实验中的应用

    Application On Malus ' Law Experiment With CCD Measuring System

  5. 利用光电池接收入射的偏振光,通过A/D转换芯片(ICL7170),将电压值显示在LED上,验证了马吕斯定律。

    Malus law was validated by incepting incident polarized light by photocell and displaying the voltage value on LED by A / D transform CMOD chip ( ICL7170 ) .

  6. 把马吕斯的活动暗示给了冉阿让。冉阿让在他思想最深处发抖。

    Jean Valjean shuddered to the very bottom of his soul .

  7. 大家只知道他叫马吕斯先生。

    He was known there only under the name of M.Marius .

  8. 我说全是,你听见了没有,马吕斯!

    I say all ! Do you hear me , Marius !

  9. 看门的抬起鼻子,认出了马吕斯。

    And the porter , raising his eyes , recognized Marius .

  10. 马吕斯几乎没有想过珂赛特有个父亲。

    It hardly occurred to Marius that Cosette had a father .

  11. 马吕斯冲出街垒。公白飞跟着他。

    Marius dashed out of the barricade , Combeferre followed him .

  12. 马吕斯这才想起他身上只有十六个苏。

    Marius recollected that he had but sixteen sous about him .

  13. 马吕斯匆匆搬走,有两个原因。

    Marius had two reasons for this prompt change of residence .

  14. 马吕斯在这样的晚上便穿上他的新衣。

    On such evenings , Marius put on his new coat .

  15. 壁炉、桌子和那两把椅子都正对着马吕斯。

    The fireplace and the two chairs were exactly opposite Marius .

  16. “呃,我早忘了。”马吕斯说。

    " Hello , I had forgotten that ," said Marius .

  17. 象您这样一个青年,应当穿上漂亮衣服才对。您知道吗,马吕斯先生?

    A young man like you ought to have fine clothes .

  18. “但是你没有回答我的话!”马吕斯大声说。

    " But you do not promise me !" exclaimed Marius .

  19. 马吕斯现在要到凌晨一时才回家!

    Marius comes home nowadays at one o'clock in the morning .

  20. “我一点也不知道。”马吕斯回答。

    " I do not know in the least ," replied Marius .

  21. 马吕斯带珂赛特去上他父亲的坟。

    Marius had taken Cosette to his father 's grave .

  22. 珂赛特抓住马吕斯的一只手,紧捏着它,没有回答。

    Cosette took Marius'hand , and pressed it without replying .

  23. 她把马吕斯的手放在她布衫的口袋里。

    She put Marius'hand in the pocket of her blouse .

  24. “我只剩十法郎了。”马吕斯说。

    " I have ten francs left ," said Marius .

  25. “这也许是马吕斯吧?”中尉说。

    " Can that be Marius ?" said the lieutenant .

  26. 马吕斯果然摸到里面有一张纸。

    There , in fact , Marius felt a paper .

  27. 马吕斯和珂赛特之间彼此还是一片漆黑。

    Marius and Cosette were in the dark as to one another .

  28. 马吕斯告诉我您要我在这里接待您。

    Marius told me that you wish me to receive you here .

  29. 马吕斯用严肃的声调继续说

    It was with an accent of severity that Marius continued

  30. 马吕斯饱啖这一幸福已有三或四个星期。

    In three or four weeks , Marius had devoured this bliss .