- 名Maintenance obligation;duty/obligation of maintenance;obligation/duty of support

Children 's duty to maintain their parents shall not terminate with the change in their parents " matrimonial relationship .
Article 12 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order .
Rules on the division of property and future financial obligations vary hugely too .
The disabled who cannot work or live independently have the right to require other family members to support them .
Failure to provide for the maintenance of one 's legal dependents . Convention on the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations
However , it comes together with the problem of population aging . This means proportion decrease of support obligor and proportion increase of support oblige , which will no doubt affect support to old people .
Where any child fails to perform his or her obligations , the parents thereof who are unable to work or who are living a difficult life shall be entitled to ask their child to pay aliments .
Though The Inheritance Law in the Republic of China emphasized the quality of inheritance between males and females , daughters never enjoyed equal inheritance right . The reason for that was it was sons who were chiefly responsible for supporting their parents .
" Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order . " Col. 3:21 Fathers , do not vex your children , that they may not be disheartened .
Children have the duty to support and assist their parents .
Here and appealed that each people should undertake support old person the duty .
Parents shall have the duty to bring up and educate their children ; children shall have the duty to support and assist their parents .
Parents have the duty to rear and educate their minor children , and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents .
Besides , male offspring have to be responsible for supporting and offering sacrifice to paternal ancestors . This principle represents Chinese farmers ' simple awareness of unity of right and duty .
If the supporters do no perform their duties of providing for the elderly , the latter shall have the right to ask the former for alimony .
Grandchildren or maternal grandchildren who can afford it shall have the duty to support their grandparents or maternal grandparents whose children are dead or cannot afford it .
Maintenance agreement means that the parents lost the ability to work in the circumstances , a maintenance person to perform maintenance obligations and was a maintenance person to enter into the agreement , or the maintenance of inter-person sharing of maintenance obligations for the signing of an agreement .