
gù yōng
  • hire;employ;be employed by sb.
雇佣 [gù yōng]
  • (1) [employ;be employed by sb.]∶用货币购买劳动

  • 她被雇佣于一家合资饭店

  • (2) [hire]∶支付固定工资而雇人提供服务

  • 雇佣工人

雇佣[gù yōng]
  1. 我们雇佣友善的、在行的员工。

    We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff .

  2. 这个特工人员是外国雇佣的。

    The agent was in the employ of a foreign country .

  3. 他精通雇佣法。

    He was well versed in employment law .

  4. 雇佣有经验、了解房地产业的人。

    Hire someone with experience , someone who knows about real estate

  5. 英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。

    UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes .

  6. 不要幻想一个劳资仲裁法庭能纠正所有的雇佣不公现象。

    Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs

  7. 我们发现自己陷入了雇佣法案的圈套之中,因为它们并不能帮助解决劳资争端。

    We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes .

  8. 银行职员因雇佣争端将发起一系列的闪电式罢工。

    Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing .

  9. 首批进驻的公司采取了雇佣东德人并对他们进行全面培训的方针。

    The first companies to go in took a policy of employing East Germans and training them up

  10. 对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

    Next to the expense of cashiers , pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers .

  11. 不幸的是,芝加哥公会坚持那些因教学效果不佳而被解雇的老师应该有优先被雇佣权。

    Unfortunately , the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off — often for being ineffective — should get priority in new hiring .

  12. 公司花费数百万雇佣顶尖的商业人士。

    Companies spend millions hiring top business people .

  13. 建立一个梦想团队比简单地雇佣最优秀的人才要复杂得多。

    Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent .

  14. 他们走遍各个城镇,迫使雇佣者允许一天8小时的工作制。

    They walked through cities and towns to force bosses to let them work eight hours a day .

  15. 当他们查看工资单时,其中一个说:"为什么我们要年复一年地继续雇佣这个老人?"

    As they looked at the salary list , one of them said , " Why do we keep this old man on year after year ? "

  16. 宠物保姆(petsitter)指签订了雇佣合同,在宠物家中提供照看服务的人。

    A pet sitter is a contracted service provider who takes care of a pet at its own home .

  17. 该词最初指在狂欢节等场合为了吸引人们注意而配合骗子积极对其表演做出回应的同伙。后来,这个词逐渐用于不同的语境。比如,在市场营销中,shill指受商贩雇佣,假装成顾客给其好评的“托儿”。

    Its original use was to describe a person who acted as a swindler 's accomplice , a shill is a person who gives the impression that they are a satisfied independent customer of someone they 're in fact secretly working for .

  18. 在生意好的时候,这家酿造厂曾经雇佣过20人。

    When business was good , the brewery employed 20 people .

  19. 一位农场主非常吝啬,不想让他雇佣的帮手停下来休息。

    A penny-pinching farmer didn 't want his hired hand to stop working .

  20. 加泰罗尼亚标枪兵为精锐雇佣部队,最初来自阿拉贡,装备标枪和轻甲

    Elite mercenaries , originally from Aragon , armed with javelins and light armour .

  21. 假设这个机构在外面雇佣了一个外来人员来完成这项工作。

    Suppose that the organization hires an outside person to come in and perform some work .

  22. 职场“回头客”还可以指被解聘,之后又重新被雇佣为顾问或者合同工的人。

    Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant1 or contract worker .

  23. 手稿被拒绝的滋味不好受,而且出版合同也很复杂,所以很多作者会雇佣代理人帮自己与出版社协商。

    Being rejected is awful and publishing contracts are complicated , so many authors employ an agent to negotiate a deal with a publisher .

  24. 分析人士认为,这使得雇佣专业讨债公司的需求出现,特别是在信贷扩张,经济增速下降的地区。

    That brought about a need to hire specialist debt-collection agencies , particularly in regions where credit expanded and economic growth slowed , said analysts1 .

  25. “人才云”指的是临时雇佣独立的个人在短时间内远程完成的任务和项目。

    The " human cloud " describes tasks and projects , which can be performed remotely and instantaneously by people who are not employees but temporarily hired independent workers .

  26. 目前,马丁共出版了三部关于该系列的小说:1998年的《雇佣骑士》、2003年的《誓言之剑》,以及2010年的《神秘骑士》。

    Martin has published three novellas in the “ Tales of Dunk and Egg ” series to date : “ The Hedge Knight ” in 1998 , “ The Sworn Sword ” in 2003 , and “ The Mystery Knight ” in 2010 .

  27. IBM雇佣发展中国家员工比美国人还多。

    IBM employs more people in developing countries than in America .

  28. 她经营自己名为德比音乐(DerbyDiscMusic)的唱片公司,最近还雇佣了一名助手。

    She runs her own label , Derby disc music , and recently hired an assistant .

  29. 相反,雇佣有很强的面向对象软件开发的背景,有Java、C++或者C语言经验的高手是更好的选择。

    Instead , hire people with strong object-oriented software development backgrounds , with experience in languages like Java , C + + , or C # .

  30. 向来很公平的雇主跟我说不会雇佣Facebook主页上有派对照片的人。

    I have spoken to otherwise fair employers who refuse to hire anyone who has party pictures on their Facebook page .