
ɡù yōnɡ láo dònɡ zhě
  • wage laborer;wage labourer
  1. 但是今天的雇佣劳动者完全可以被称为工资的奴隶。

    But a labourer today can rightly be called a wage slave .

  2. 那么此人就只是个雇佣劳动者。

    The antithesis to labour is play .

  3. 解放女性的政治策略应以历史唯物主义为理论基础,反对霸权实现女性解放的历史主体是雇佣劳动者,结束剥削必须进行革命性实践。

    The political strategy to liberate women must have the historical materialism as its theoretical base .

  4. 指店员或其他雇佣劳动者,也用以称呼同伴。

    Mean shop assistant or other hire labourer , may used for calling the companion too .

  5. 银行的职员反而会是个雇佣劳动者。

    A bank clerk a labourer .

  6. 相反,新兴市场或许需要依赖服务业来雇佣劳动者。

    Instead , the emerging markets may need to rely on the service sector to employ workers .

  7. 在欧洲和美国,自称享受工作的自我雇佣劳动者多于全职雇员。

    More self-employed people in Europe and the US report enjoying their jobs than those who are employed .

  8. 现阶段私营企业的职工既是雇佣劳动者,又是国家的主人。

    The workers of the private enterprises are not only employees but also the master of our country .

  9. 对于这些雇佣劳动者从事雇佣劳动所得的报酬,一般情况下,不需缴税。

    For these wage-earners engaged in wage labor remuneration , under normal circumstances , not subject to tax .

  10. 根据我们的调查和研究,在我国现阶段的私营企业中,私营企业主和雇佣劳动者之间已初步建立起新型合约关系。

    According to authors ' investigation and research , the neo-type-contract-relationship between owners and employees has been built up preliminarily in private enterprises .

  11. 它把医生、律师、教士、诗人和学者变成了它出钱招雇的雇佣劳动者。

    It has converted the physician , the lawyer , the priest , the poet , the man of science , into its paid wage labourers .

  12. 资本主义是资本所有者个人主义的实现,社会主义则是雇佣劳动者个人主义的实现,社会主义为人的自由发展提供了现实条件。

    Capitalism is the realization of the former , while socialism is that of the latter and it supplies practical conditions for the development of human freedom .

  13. 太多企业仍然将男人视为主要雇佣劳动者:较为年轻的女性是为了充当花瓶,而年纪较大的女性则去做那些脏活累活。

    Too many companies still view men as the primary wage earner : younger women are there to look pretty and older women to do the drudgery .

  14. 在资本主义社会里存在着资本所有者的个人主义与雇佣劳动者的个人主义。二者都是对早期的、抽象的个人主义的否定。

    In the capitalist society there exist the individualism of capital holders and that of employees , both of which are the negation of the former abstract individualism .

  15. 私有制企业劳资利益关系是指在私有产权单一的情况下私人资本所有者与雇佣劳动者之间的利益关系。

    The relationship between labor and capital in the private enterprises indicates a profit relationship between the private capital owners and the employees with the unitary property right .

  16. 职工持股导致企业职工经济地位的二重性,即职工从过去单纯的雇佣劳动者转变为兼有劳动者与财产所有者的双重身份,从而使企业形成一种联合的产权制度。

    The workers ' economic status has changed in the ESOP enterprises in the developed countries in the West , that is , from pure employed laborers in the past to employees plus owners at present .

  17. 这些企业一般涉足清洁能源技术或者雇佣当地劳动者。

    These funds typically back businesses that dabble in clean tech or hire locals .

  18. 钢铁制造对当地社区十分重要,但这个行业雇佣的劳动者仅占欧洲3000万制造业工人的1%左右。

    Steelmaking is of great importance to local communities , but it employs only about 1 per cent of the 30m total manufacturing workers in Europe .

  19. 第二,即使是自我雇佣的劳动者,向他们派发工作或者订单的企业或者平台也可以选择不止为他们提供最低福利。

    Second , even if workers are self-employed , the company or platform that routes work and orders to them could choose to offer more than the minimum benefits .

  20. 资本主义企业的主体是人格化了的资本&资本家,即资本家在企业中处于统治和主宰的地位,工人则是被雇佣的劳动者。

    Capitalist enterprises subject is personified in the capital-the capitalists , that is , the capitalists in the enterprise in a position of domination and domination , workers are hired workers .

  21. 马克思主义经济学的研究,大致可以归纳为自由人联合体、工人自治、劳动雇佣制、劳动者参与等几个方面,前三个方面描述的都是不同于资本主义的企业治理模式,即劳动者治理;

    It is different in Marxist economics that the research framework of laborer 's participation in firm governance will generally include the aspects of freemen 's union , workers ' autonomy , labor hiring system , and laborer 's joining into governance .

  22. 劳动者以劳动力换取企业的雇佣,企业对劳动者形成支配地位,应当承担起职业病防治的主体责任。

    Workers trade their value for engagement , so enterprises , which have a dominant position to workers , should assume main liability for prevention and treatment of occupational disease .

  23. 汉代雇佣劳动,可以通过雇佣劳动力市场、保举介绍、雇佣劳动者的周流庸赁来实现。

    Han wage labor , you can hire the labor market , Paul give presentations , wage-earners Yong Dian Zhou flow to achieve .