- unauthorized agency

On the Legal Effects of Unauthorized Agency
Enhance the restriction of counterplea of unauthorized agency on negotiable instruments .
For the latter , continental law system names it as agency by estoppels regarded as the agency of authorized agency . for the later represents Fe , Co and Ni .
The non-right commission system is an important content in the commission system .
Reflections on the Perfection of the System of Agency without Authorization in China 's Legislation
Study on Several Issues of Unauthorized Agency
Firstly , the system of the unauthorized agency should be emphasized in the coming civil law code of China .
According to the author of this paper , the expression attorneyship is in form a special kind of attorneyship without authority .
As the non-management , agents and right boundaries of the blurred line between infringement and , where applicable , causing great difficulties .
After discussing and analyzing the unauthorized agency in a narrow sense and agency by estoppel , this thesis lodges its own opinions .
Negotiorum gestio and unauthorized agency are different in the nature , the parties , the main regulatory contents and the " meaning " .
Agency of estoppel is different from representative without authority and authorized agency in nature , and it is an independent kind of agency .
On the Principal 's Right of Ratification in Agency by Ratification Part three discusses some problems of agency by estoppel which mainly talks about two problems .
Agency is the complete form of " agency ", unlawful agency is the defective form of " agency ", superficial agency is a variation of unlawful agency .
On the one hand , apparent agency is the agency without authorization intention by the person concerned , so apparent agency belongs to the scope of unauthorized agency .
The former is a kind of legal behavior without specific validity , thus presumably leading to the legal effects of valid agency , as well as those of invalid agency .
At the same time , as for the essence of apparent agency , this thesis gives out its own point that thinks apparent agency in essence belongs to powerless agency .
My Opinion on the Comparison of the List Agency and the Narrow Ex-agency ; The chairman decides the time and place of the meeting . Each delegate has one vote .
This paper makes a major probe into the agent system in China from such aspects as the legislative characteristics , inadequacy of legislation , introduction of undisclosed agent and perfection of ex agency .
Non-management , agents , and violations are not entitled to three important areas of private law system , the creation of these systems contain a moral , economic , legal multi-level value of the consideration .
Non-management with the right agent , similar violations , there is no legal obligation to interfere in the affairs of others , the content of its legal system and the system there are inextricably linked .
In the behavior of the human right to act to generate the table sees the proxy , behavior person from relative person to obtain a temporary get my property , it shall timely transfer to me .
From a wholly new angle , the author classifies the civil act in civil law that can be complemented and corrected through recognition and points out that the recognition on non-right agent act is essentially the recognition on his own act ;
With regard to the theory of unauthorized agency , most of scholars argue that unauthorized agency in narrow sense has no appearance of right of agency , and the fault of principal is not the essential elements of agency by estoppel .
Based on the research by the scholars home and abroad , this thesis defines the unauthorized agency in a new viewpoint , and also explores the similarities and differences of the two parts of the unauthorized agency ( unauthorized agency in a narrow sense and agency by estoppel ) .
If the insurance agent abuses of the power of agency and the non-acknowledged act unauthorized insurance agency is emerged , the result will be that the legal effect of insurance agency is not elicited and the insurance agent must accept the due civil liability .
No right to dispose of one of the legal consequences for the acquisition in good faith , acting without legal consequences , does not apply in good faith to achieve a system to adjust .
When the counterpart who has right to choose considered that his right to the unauthorized agent is more beneficial , he may claim the narrow unauthorized agency .