
dí shì
  • taxi;cab
的士 [dí shì]
  • [taxi] 小型出租汽车

  1. 水上的士充电后可行驶一天。

    The water taxi can run for a day after being recharged .

  2. 香港的士小巴商总会(HongKongTaxiandPublicLightBusAssociation)会长王仲强说,现在的出租车好多了,更为环保。

    Today they 're a lot better , more environmentally friendly , ' says Wong Cheung Keung , president of the Hong Kong Taxi and Public Light Bus Association .

  3. 水上的士和公共汽车取代了汽车,沿着城市的运河运送人们。

    Instead of cars , water taxis and buses carry people along the city 's canal .

  4. 可以叫辆的士不,还不用.fries=Frenchfries:炸土豆条,炸薯条我要炸薯条,不好意思。

    We could call a car . - Lily : Oh , no , not yet . Um , I need fries . Excuse me .

  5. 随着梦工厂(Dreamworks)和皮克斯(Pixar)等公司强势崛起,后来居上,迪斯尼动画的士气愈发消沉,人才纷纷出走。

    Morale dropped and talent departed as companies like DreamWorks and Pixar took the lead in animation .

  6. 就当前国情发展单燃料气汽车(LPG、LNG、CNG)是城市公交巴士和的士的最现实和最佳选择。

    Under the current situation , our country to develop single - fuel LPG buses & taxies ( LPG , LNG and CNG ) is most practical and the best choice .

  7. 晚上八点时分,无法入睡,我打了一辆的士到城里Constance的住所,那也是我以前住过的地方。

    Around eight in the evening , fighting sleep , I took a cab uptown to Constance 's apartment , the one where I had lived .

  8. 作为一个70高龄的实习生和海瑟薇在一张床上的他,不是TravisBickle(《的士司机》),也不是《拜见岳父大人》里那堵油盐不进的人肉墙壁。

    On that bed with Hathaway , as her 70-year-old intern , he 's not Travis Bickle or the human wall of intolerance from those Focker movies .

  9. 创立于2006年的士亚商务咨询的联合创始人埃德•霍尔罗伊德•皮尔斯(EdHolroydPearce)认同这种批评。他预计,今年将从英国和美国派遣1800名学生到中国。

    Ed Holroyd Pearce , who co-founded CRCC Asia in 2006 and is expecting to send out 1,800 students from the UK and US to China this year , takes the criticism on board .

  10. 一个小巴的士)几乎是无止境的队列Matatus(推进入出租车在坎帕拉公园。

    An almost endless queue of Matatus ( minibus taxis ) push to get into the taxi park in Kampala .

  11. 因为下雨,我很难打到的士。

    I couldn 't catch a taxi because of the rain .

  12. 一部的士排名服务的机场从旅客的水平。

    One taxi rank serves the airport from the arrivals level .

  13. 公园里有一个老式火车,许多公共汽车和的士

    The park has an old-fashioned train , many buses and taxis

  14. 撒母耳平生作以色列的士师。

    And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life .

  15. 我比较喜欢开的士的工作,但我一直跟自己承诺,要完成学业。

    But I kept promising myself I would complete my schooling .

  16. 空中的士隧道反复高气压作业减压方案的研究

    Study of Decompression Schedules for Repetitive Compressed Air Work in Tunnel

  17. 未有采用最直接的路线〔投诉的士个案〕

    Fail to take the most direct route [ taxi complaint ]

  18. 这儿周围的士地不是很适合种庄稼。

    The soil around here isn 't good enough for raisingcrops .

  19. 库格麦斯打了辆的士,向着市内疾驰而去。

    Kugelmass hailed a cab and sped off to the city .

  20. 风暴来时我正乘着的士。

    I was in a taxi when the storm was starting .

  21. 我的一个朋友能卖给我们便宜的的士对讲机。

    A buddy of mine 'll sell us cheap taxi radios .

  22. 结果这辆的士只是刚好停在那儿。

    Basically just a cab that happened to slow down . Basically .

  23. 北京的的士服务怎么样?

    Cust : How about the Taxi service in Beijing ?

  24. 的士司机:60美元,我们就成交。

    Taxi driver : $ 60 and we have a deal * .

  25. 若走路太多可试乘的士或巴士。

    Try taxis or buses if walking becomes too much .

  26. 专利巴士、公共小巴及的士

    " Franchised buses , public light buses and taxis "

  27. 吉普赛的士里找到了你的名片。

    Your business card in a gypsy cab last night .

  28. 当他们呼求神的时候,神就对他们的士师说话。

    When He heard their cry , God spoke to their judge .

  29. 这件事使当地的士绅们大嚷起来。

    This provoked a great outcry among the local burgesses ;

  30. 喂,我想电召的士到渥太华市中心。

    Hello , I 'm calling for a cab to downtown ottawa .