- 名centralism

Collective ownership by the working people advocating centralization .
It is hard to imagine any but the most totalitarian state doing much about that .
Considering that monism of rationalism may lead to authoritarianism , he rejects various theories of positive freedom .
Europe 's single-market project was , from the outset , a trade-off between liberal and statist forces .
You want more money for healthcare : they tell you impossible , this means a totalitarian state .
Socialism is even a society with exploitation but without fully constituted classes in contrast to statism . 3 .
He is the author of , among many other books , The Fragile Absolute and Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism ?
People with prosperity , or at least the prospect of it , didn 't turn to totalitarianism , they believed .
Post-Yukos , statist hardliners around Mr Putin instead channelled most efforts into creating national champions in resources and heavy industry .
Had he been a socialist , he might have nationalized the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism .
The former relies on autocratic centralization of state power and has his own way toward the extreme , pressing the latter and twisting humanity .
In his view , even if positive liberty is not the direct basis of totalitarianism , it also provides a theoretical excuse for totalitarianism .
They also decided that the basic character of the Southern Song regime characteristics - give up and insisted the Northern Song Dynasty Northern Han ethnic confrontation , and has inherited the characteristics of totalitarianism .
There in my little office I read bastily scribbled letters smuggled out of totalitarian regimes by men and women who were risking imprisonment to inform the outside world of what was happening to them .
The statists ( led by countries such as France ) would reject the single market if it allowed members to embark on what they would consider a race to the bottom on green or labour-market standards .
Huang Yuan-yong believed that , at the beginning of the Republic of China , the new authoritative principle should be adopted , as well as governing by law and the modernized dominant method .