
  • 网络Market economy country;market economic country;surrogate country
  1. 新兴市场经济国家与发达国家金融监管的经验教训

    Experience and Lesson about Financial Supervision of New Market Economy Country and Developed Country

  2. 从亚洲金融危机看新兴市场经济国家的深层次问题

    Deep-level Problems in the Rising Market Economy Country AS Seen in Asian Financial Crisis

  3. 其认为,中国和俄罗斯等非市场经济国家(转型经济国家)与以市场为导向的WTO体系本质上是互不相容的。

    Jackson believes that the transition economy state , like China and Russia , are incompatible with the WTO , which is a market-oriented institution .

  4. 发达的市场经济国家是如何实施1993年SNA的

    The Implementation of the 1993 SNA of the Developed Market Economy Countries

  5. 同时,应该看到,QFII制度作为新兴市场经济国家开放国内资本市场的一种过渡性制度,所涉及的主体和内容相当广泛。

    As the transitional system chosen by some emerging market economy countries , QFII system is involving a wide range of subjects and content .

  6. 应用ARCH类模型对我国科技系统波动进行实证研究,结果表明我国科技运行机制与西方市场经济国家存在显著区别。

    In this paper , we make a qualitative analysis of the fluctuation of science and technology system by applying ARCH model . It indicates that there exists obvious difference of science mechanism between western countries and China .

  7. 通过对西方主要市场经济国家以职业培训促进就业,化解结构性失业矛盾的对策分析,提出了我国在加入WTO以后,如何加强职业培训促进就业的对策建议。

    Through the analysis of the western developed countries exerting the occupation training against the structural unemployment and to obtain employment , discussion is made on the countermeasure and suggestions of strengthening the occupation training in our country after the entrance to WTO .

  8. 由于中国被WTO视为非市场经济国家,美国、欧洲和其他国家就可以使用一个收入水平相同、但数据更准确的地区作为代理国——比如波兰、泰国和南非——来帮助确定产品的成本。

    Given China 's designation in the W.T.O. , the United States , Europe and others can use a proxy country , a locale with a similar level of income and better data like Poland , Thailand or South Africa , to help determine production costs .

  9. 西方发达市场经济国家二十世纪九十年代实施的股票期权给CEO带来的巨额薪酬成为了机构投资者所关注的主要问题,学术界更是对公司管理人员的薪酬进行了大量理论和实证研究。

    In the nineties of 20 century of the western market economy countries , the mint compensation caused by CEO stock option has been the main consideration problem of institutional investors especially investment funds . There are more and more theory and empirical research on CEO compensation .

  10. 公共财政是市场经济国家财政运行模式。

    Public finance is the financial function model of market-economy countries .

  11. 安全的土地权利对每一个市场经济国家都是至关重要的。

    Secured land title is essential to a modern market economy .

  12. 反垄断是市场经济国家面临的共同任务。

    Anti-monopoly is the common task of the market economic countries .

  13. 公司的兼并收购(M&A)是成熟市场经济国家司空见惯的经济现象。

    M & A is very popular in mature market economy countries .

  14. 商事合伙体系存在于各市场经济国家。

    There is the system of commercial partnership in the marketed countries .

  15. 在市场经济国家,预算外资金绝对属于政府性资金。

    In market country , ex-budgetary funds dominantly belonged to government funds .

  16. 现行体系还非常不稳定,正在融入全球化之中的新兴市场经济国家在汇率制度上面临两难选择,国际货币体系需要改革。

    For the emerging market countries , exchange rate arrangement is a dilemma .

  17. 失业是当今世界市场经济国家伴随经济高速发展而日渐突显出来的一种普遍经济现象,它严重削弱经济进步的推动力,制约劳动力资源的优化配置。

    Unemployment is regarded as a common phenomenon in countries of market economy .

  18. 社会市场经济国家也不应因为道路正确就得意忘形。

    Nor should the social market countries be too emboldened by this vindication .

  19. 垄断,已成为所有市场经济国家都必须直面的话题。

    The monopoly has become the topic which all marketing country must face directly .

  20. 非市场经济国家地位与对华反倾销

    Non-Market Economy Country Status and Anti-Dumping Toward China

  21. 其中一项就是赋予运用反补贴关税的权利来对付非市场经济国家。

    One such bill enshrines the right to levy anti-subsidy duties against non-market economies .

  22. 汇率问题是一个市场经济国家必须关注和重视的经济因素。

    Exchange rate is a market economy countries must be attention of economic factors .

  23. 合伙制特别是有限合伙制,在众多市场经济国家中格外兴盛。

    Partnership , particularly the limited partnership is very popular in many market economy countries .

  24. 行政指导制度是市场经济国家政府管理共同的选择。

    The administration instruction system is commonly chosen in governmental management by market economy states .

  25. 农业保险是市场经济国家扶持农业发展的通行做法。

    Agricultural insurance is a market economy , state support for agricultural development in common practice .

  26. 从实践中看,用法律的手段限制垄断,已经成为世界上大多数市场经济国家的共同选择。

    It is the common practice for most market economies to restrict monopoly by legal means .

  27. 市场经济国家劳资关系经历了一个从对立走向合作的漫长的过程。

    Labor-capital relations of market economy country experienced a lengthy process that cooperates from contrary trend .

  28. 发展中国家、工业化市场经济国家和所有转轨国家都受到了影响。

    Developing countries , industrialized market economy countries and all economy-transferring countries have suffered the influence .

  29. 在发达的市场经济国家,投资银行是资本市场的核心。

    Investment bank is the core of the capital market in the developed market economic country .

  30. 该部分首先介绍了美国对非市场经济国家的定义和标准以及相关的程序规则。

    It first introduces the definition and criteria of a NME country as well as relevant procedures .