
jí mào shì chǎng
  • pedlars' market
集贸市场[jí mào shì chǎng]
  1. 他在集贸市场上设了个摊床。

    He set up a stand on the pedlars ' market .

  2. 探索一种适合于集贸市场的STD/AIDS干预模式。

    A mode of STD / AIDS interventions suitable for the market vendors was explored .

  3. 1999年3月~2002年3月,通过对集贸市场等有关生产经营单位进行随机取样计2766份,作酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)、气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC/MS)检测。

    2766 samples were collected randomly at farm product trade markets and monitered by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA ) and GC / MS.

  4. 集贸市场摊贩性病/艾滋病KAB特征与干预试验研究

    A Study on STD / AIDS KAB Character Among Stallholders on Pedlars ' Market and Its Intervention Trial

  5. 南京市城乡集贸市场的发展与布局

    The Development and Outlay of Urban and Rural Markets in Nanjing

  6. 大型集贸市场的火灾自动报警控制系统设计

    Design 0f Auto Fire-alarm Control Systems of Large-scale Fair Trade Markets

  7. 在这个相邻的国度里也有一个小的集贸市场。

    In this neighborhood there is also a little hawker center .

  8. 中国集贸市场的历史发展与地理分布

    The historical development and geographical distribution of fairs in China

  9. 这片居民区里有个很大的集贸市场。

    There is a large market in the residential area .

  10. 云南农村集贸市场的经济文化辐射功能及其特征

    The Spill Effect and features of Country Fair Trade Market in Yunnan

  11. 海口地区集贸市场淡水鱼华枝睾吸虫囊蚴感染调查

    Freshwater Fish Infected with Metacercaria ( Clonorchis sinensis ) in Haikou Trading Market

  12. 乡镇集贸市场规划设计标准

    Standard for planning of markets in town and township

  13. 大中型集贸市场防火

    Fire protection of the large and medium commercial markets

  14. 北京市集贸市场空间分布特征研究

    Regional distributed characteristics analysis of terminal market in belting

  15. 河南农村集贸市场类型区划分

    The Division of Henan Rural Fairs into Types

  16. 乡村集贸市场食品商贩卫生现状调查

    A sanitary survey of foods on countryside bazaar

  17. 了解集贸市场熟肉制品细菌污染状况。

    To explore the situation of germs pollution of the cooked meat products from the markets .

  18. 但整体来看,汽车配件市场仍然具有很多集贸市场特征。

    But overall , the auto parts market still has the characteristics of pedlars ' market .

  19. 从庐阳宫火灾事故教训看集贸市场消防安全管理

    Discussing the Fire Safety Management of the Mall from the Lesson of Lu Yang Palace Fire Accident

  20. 现阶段集贸市场的计量管理工作主要由质量技术监督部门负责,管理的对象是集贸市场内的个体经营商户。

    The measuring instruments of self-employed businesses is mainly managed by Quality and Technical Supervision Departments currently .

  21. 在上海世博会期间,小贩被要求禁止在露天售卖,而在封闭的集贸市场里贩卖商品。

    During the Shanghai Expo , hawkers have been forced out of public areas and into covered markets .

  22. 商场、集贸市场火灾损失核定难的成因及解决办法

    The Difficulty of and Solution to the Checking and Ratifying Fire Loss in the Market and Large Mall

  23. 小城镇集市交易行为及其心理&巢湖市几个乡镇集贸市场的实地研究

    The Behavior and Psychology of Country Fair Trade & A Field Investigation in Some Town Markets of Chaohu City

  24. 专业市场因传统集贸市场的专业化演进而形成,其规模和影响力普遍超过传统集贸市场等初级市场。

    Being evolved from the specialization of traditional bazaars , bigger specialized markets gain more influence than primary markets .

  25. 经营动物和动物产品的集贸市场应当符合本办法规定的动物防疫条件。

    Marketplaces trading animals and animal products shall satisfy the animal epidemic disease prevention conditions as specified in these Measures .

  26. 广西横县集贸市场淡水鱼虾华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染调查

    Infection Investigation of Encysted Metacercaria of Clonorchis Sinensis in Freshwater Fishes and Shrimps at County Heng Trade Market in Guangxi

  27. 第三十九条国家支持农产品集贸市场和农产品批发市场和建立和发展。

    Article 39 The State shall support the establishment and development of rural fairs and wholesale markets for agricultural products .

  28. 日常停车时,要将车辆停入有人看管的停车场,不要随意停入在路边、胡同、集贸市场等处。

    Park your vehicles at supervised parking lots and do not park your vehicles along the roadside or at alleys and bazaars .

  29. 阐明了集贸市场-菜地质量关系研究与土地评价和农地评价的层级关系。

    Then , the relations between the study of market-vegetable plot quality and the evaluation of land and arable land were elaborated .

  30. “限塑令”实施3年以来,大多数集贸市场仍在滥用超薄塑料袋。

    The use of ultra-thin plastic bags in street markets in China remains rampant despite the country banning their use3 years ago .