
zǒnɡ xū qiú
  • aggregate demand;total demand
  1. 国民生产总值的增长率将取决于总需求的增长率。

    The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand

  2. 当全球总需求,亦或是名义GDP增长出现直线下滑的现象时,所有的国家都无一幸免会遭到牵连。

    When there is a steep worldwide drop in aggregate demand ( AD ), or nominal GDP growth , all countries suffer .

  3. 平湖原材料料交易商城计划使用5年时间建成全部的项目,预计该项目全部建成之后,电话总需求量将达到2万部,INTERNET网络接口将达到1万个。

    After the project is fully completed , the total demand will reach 20 000 , INTERNET network interface will reach 10,000 .

  4. 首先是产出缺口理论、总需求总供给(ADAS)模型这两种工具的综合分析;

    The first is the comprehensive analysis of some tools such as the theory of GNP gap , AD-AS model .

  5. 第一,这些国家实行的紧缩性财政政策对总需求和gdp具有抑制作用,却无法从货币贬值的扩张效应中得到弥补。

    First , the contractionary fiscal policies that are decreasing aggregate demand and GDP in these countries cannot be offset by the expansionary effects of currency devaluations .

  6. 根据咨询公司AutomotiveForesight的估算,中国每年的公车购买量占全国乘用车总需求的比例不到5%。

    Government-vehicle purchases in China comprise less than 5 % of the country 's overall annual passenger-car demand , according to an estimate from consultancy Automotive Foresight .

  7. 凯恩斯(Keynes)的门徒他们关注总需求将家庭财富增加等同于就业增加,因为他们认为这增加了消费者需求。

    Disciples of Keynes , who focus on aggregate demand , view any increase in household wealth as raising employment because they say it adds to consumer demand .

  8. 去年投资者对钯的总需求飙升53.8%,绝大多数增长来自欧洲的两只钯ETF。

    Total investor demand for palladium surged 53.8 per cent last year , with the vast majority of the increase driven by the two European palladium ETFs .

  9. 智能手机只占去年全球手机销量的15%左右,而诺基亚在发展中国家仍然占据着主导地位&而瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)预测,到2015年,发展中国家的手机需求将占到市场总需求的70%。

    Smartphones only accounted for about 15 per cent of global handset sales last year , while Nokia still dominates in developing countries that – Credit Suisse forecasts – will account for 70 per cent of handset demand by 2015 .

  10. 自上世纪50年代以来,政策制定者应对接连不断的经济低迷的方式,本质上都是同样的凯恩斯(Keynes)主义。他们允许财政赤字扩大,并通过降息刺激总需求。

    Policymakers have responded to successive economic downturns in essentially the same Keynesian way since the 1950s . Fiscal deficits have been allowed to rise and interest rates to fall to stimulate aggregate demand .

  11. 论述了流通活市战略的理论依据,并对流通活市战略进行了实证分析,得出如下结论,流通发达,社会总需求量增大,全社会GDP增大。

    This paper discusses the connotation and theoretical basis of the strategy of circulation stimulation of market , comes conclusions that more prosperous circulation industry will make total social demand and whole social GDP increase , circulation industry has close relation with city 's economy .

  12. 文章在宏观经济理论基础上通过对黑龙江省总需求的理论、逻辑描述和计量经济学的实证分析,表明当黑龙江省的消费每增加1%,则黑龙江省的GDP相应增加0.88%;

    Based on the theory of macro economy and the empirical study of the theory of total demand of Heilongjiang Province , logical description and quantitative economics , it is indicated that every 1 % growth of consumption of Heilongjiang Province is accompanied by 0.88 % increase in its GDP ;

  13. 第4章是以区域总需求-总供给(AD-AS)模型、区域货币乘数模型、区域货币政策乘数为基础的理论分析。

    In chapter 4 , regional aggregate demand and aggregate supply ( AD-AS ) model , regional money multiplier model and regional monetary policy multiplier are analyzed theoretically .

  14. 全国总需求量在4000~4500t/a,现全国实际年产量约为5000t,供需基本平衡。

    The total demand of mucochloric acid is around 4000 ~ 4500 t / a , it keeps basically a balance between demand and mucochloric acid with practical annual output of about 5000 t / a.

  15. 正如Kloppers所说,新兴市场已经占据了全球原材料总需求的很大一部分、以及新增需求的主体部分,中国的份额尤为突出。

    As Mr Kloppers pointed out , emerging markets , and China in particular , now account for the lion 's share of growth in global demand for raw materials , and a good chunk of overall consumption .

  16. 浅论国内总需求与职工收入的关系

    A Discussion on Relation of Interior Aggregate Demand and People Income

  17. 二者构成了对物业税制度的总需求。

    Both constitute the aggregate demand to real estate tax system .

  18. 可以极大地增加中国经济的总需求;

    To increase dramatically the general demand of China 's economy ;

  19. 新疆木材总需求与总供给

    Study on the Total Demand and Supply of Timber in Xinjiang

  20. 其原因在于总需求扩张和金融体制转型滞后。

    Th e courses are aggregate demand expansion and financial reform lag .

  21. 论治理总需求膨胀的供给调节措施

    On Supply Adjustment of Improving the Inflation of General Demands

  22. 预算赤字增加使总需求扩大。

    An increase in the budget deficit boosts aggregate demand .

  23. 这些措施必须将重点放在迅速扩大总需求方面。

    And it has to focus on adding to aggregate demand quickly .

  24. 而保持市场开放和增加全球总需求,结果要好得多。

    Far better to keep markets open and increase aggregate world demand .

  25. 动态总需求-总供给模型的无模型控制律设计

    Designing by control law without model for dynamic general demand-general supply model

  26. 中国总需求函数及其货币政策含义

    China 's AD Function and Its Implication for Monetary Policy

  27. 新经济:一种总需求&总供给模型分析

    New Economy : An Analysis of AD - AS Model

  28. 扩大信用交易可以刺激社会总需求的增长。

    ( E ) Extend credit trade can stimulate social total demand rise .

  29. 技术创新和外需主导型战略的实施拉动了总需求;

    Technological innovation and foreign demands oriented strategy have promoted the aggregate demands ;

  30. 总需求膨胀动态过程分析

    Trends Dynamic State An Analysis of the Dynamic Process of Gross Demand Expansion