
  1. 你想给她打电话就打吧,不过要是她生气就别怪我。

    Call her if you like , but don 't blame me if she 's angry .

  2. 如果失败了,别怪我。

    If it all goes awry , don 't blame me .

  3. 希望Webometrics的朋友们别怪我公开邮件内容。

    Webometrics don 't blame me for disclosing the email .

  4. 换句话说就是:别怪我,要怪就怪首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella);或者更好的做法是,怪那种要使东西保持一致的需要。

    Blame the CEO , Satya Nadella , or , better still , blame the need for arranging things in lines .

  5. 再说下去就别怪我无情了O'Brien若我们还要以朋友相待就不许你再这样言语不许再诋毁Crawley家族以及伯爵的所有亲戚

    You 're sailing perilously close to the wind , O'Brien . If we 're to be friends , you will not speak in that way again about the Crawleys or any member of Lord Grantham 's family .

  6. 如果莎拉不买账的话你可别怪我。

    Don 't blame me if Sarah doesn 't buy it .

  7. 别怪他,该怪我。

    Don 't blame it on him , but on me .

  8. 所以,女孩们切记,别怪我没提醒你。

    So , remember girls , you ` ve been warned .

  9. 好!别怪我了!我要揣门了!

    Fine ! That 's it ! I 've had it !

  10. 哦,亲爱的,别怪我这么想。

    Oh , hon , don 't go accusin'me of thinkin ' .

  11. 别怪银河,她没有错。

    Don 't blame eun-ha . she 's not in the wrong .

  12. 别怪我大嘴巴,太浪漫了

    I 'm sorry to blab . It 's just so romantic .

  13. 别怪我我是他粉丝

    Well , don 't scorch me . I 'm a fan .

  14. 别怪我,我几乎向我认识的每个人求过婚。

    Don 't blame me . I 've asked practically everyone I know .

  15. 别怪我狠,诅咒你们家没有好结果。

    Don 't blame me malicious , no good result curse you home .

  16. 别怪她我可以解释的

    Don 't blame her . I can explain .

  17. 皮肤老化?别怪基因。

    Don 't blame genes for aging facial skin .

  18. 别怪我,亲爱的,我刚才太忙了。

    Don 't blame me , dear . I was so busy just now .

  19. 别怪我突然打扰我发现你还没睡

    Don 't think me intrusive , but I see that you 're awake .

  20. 别怪我失约啊,这又不是我的错!

    Don 't biame me for the fix , it ain 't my fauit !

  21. 要是它不灵可别怪我那不是我的过错。

    Don 't blame me if it doesn 't work-it 's not my fault .

  22. blame:指责,责备好吧,别怪我,要怪就怪你姐姐。

    Lily : Well , don 't blame me . Talk to your sister .

  23. 你要是碰了钉子回来可别怪我。

    Don 't blame me if you come back with a flea in your ear !

  24. 别怪他!

    Don 't blame it on him !

  25. 那,别怪我没提醒你哦,想开开心心学外语,要上沪江哦。

    If you want to study foreign language happily , you definitely log on yeshj !

  26. 就别怪我不讲情面。

    I will make this very personal .

  27. 别怪我,我设法在现实世界结束一切。

    Don 't blame me . I tried to finish this in the regular realm .

  28. 别怪我不接电话。我太忙了。

    Don 't get on me for not answering the phone . I was too busy .

  29. 别怪我啊你是成年人了

    D / n 't blame me , heifer , yo - 're a grown woman .

  30. 请别怪我这位房东老太太一本正经地说。

    " You will excuse my landlord ," said the old lady with a dignified air .