
jiāng hé
  • rivers;long river;Changjiang River and Huanghe River
江河 [jiāng hé]
  • (1) [Changjiang River and Huanghe River]∶长江和黄河

  • 若决江河,沛然莫之能御也。--《孟子.尽心上》

  • (2) [long river]∶大河的泛称

  • 是故丘山积卑而为高,江河合小而为大。--《庄子.则阳》

江河[jiāng hé]
  1. 硝酸盐由土壤渗入江河。

    Nitrates leach from the soil into rivers .

  2. 江河湖泽给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。

    Rivers and lakes provide us with water transport and irrigation .

  3. 条条江河归大海。

    All rivers lead to the sea .

  4. 千条江河归入大海。

    A thousand rivers find their way to the sea .

  5. 大雪纷飞,江河冰封。

    It is snowing hard , and rivers and streams have frozen over .

  6. 该市居民准备逃到天气较为凉爽的江河流域避暑。

    The city 's population prepared to flee heat for the relative cool of the rivers .

  7. 这些轮船是用来在江河上载客的

    These steamers are used for conveying passengers on the rivers .

  8. 在江河、湖泊、水库的管理和保护范围以及蓄洪滞洪区内,土地利用应当符合江河、湖泊综合治理和开发利用规划,符合河道、湖泊行洪、蓄洪和输水的要求。

    Land uses within the areas of management and protection of rivers , lakes and reservoirs and flood storage and detention areas should be in line with plans for the comprehensive control , development and utilization of rivers and lakes and to the requirements of river channels , flood flows of rivers and lakes , flood storage and water transmission .

  9. 我国许多大的江河流域冲积平原土壤普遍存在重金属Cd异常,食用生长在其上的粮食是人体摄入Cd的一个主要途径。

    Soil Cd anomaly is ubiquitous in alluvial plains along rivers .

  10. 江河的U形弯曲内侧的陆地。

    The land inside an oxbow bend in a river .

  11. 江河中某一位置的水质变化可以用Markov链来描述。

    The changes of water quality at a certain location in a river can be described by Markov Chains .

  12. 为有效促进渡河工程保障侦察手段的改进和侦察装备的发展,综合运用实时动态定位GPS-RTK(RealTimeKinematic)、超声波测深和数字测图等技术实现数字化江河测量。

    To improve and develop the method and equipment of river-crossing reconnaissance , digital river surveying was implemented with GPS-RTK ( real time kinematic ), ultrasonic sounding , and digital mapping technology .

  13. 美国护肤品牌SukiPure使用再生玻璃瓶,并且标签全部在当地用蔬菜染料印刷,以避免墨水进入江河和饮用水源。

    American skincare brand Suki Pure uses recycled glass jars with labels printed locally in vegetable dyes - to prevent ink from entering rivers and drinking water .

  14. 选择污染严重的乐安江河流沉积物为对象,利用风险因子Eir和风险指数RI等定量诊断工具开展沉积物中重金属污染的潜在生态风险评价。

    As the quantitative diagnostic tools , the toxic response factor ( E I r ) and the potential ecological risk index ( RI ) were used to evaluate the contamination situation of various heavy metals in sediments of the Le An River .

  15. 重庆江河水域渔业利用的途径与对策

    The Way and Countermove of Fisheries Utilization in Rivers of Chongqing

  16. 江河防洪系统年超标洪水风险率模型研究

    Study on the annual flood risk model of flood protection system

  17. 就必须不认输男子汉,行动快速像那江河湍急

    Be a man You must be swift as a coursing river

  18. 重庆市江河鱼类饵料生物&原生动物

    Food Organisms for Fish in the Rivets in Chongqing ─ Protozoa

  19. 论江河洪水调蓄区多元生态功能的法律保护

    Legal Protection for Pluralistic Ecological Function of Flood Conditioning Storage Areas

  20. 这些废料会将江河和海洋里的鱼类毒死。

    These wastes will kill fish in the river and sea .

  21. 钱塘江河口水资源配置规划研究

    Studies on water resources allocation plan for estuary of Qiantang River

  22. 火山口湖不与任何江河相连接。

    Crater Lake is not connected to any rivers or streams .

  23. 江河模型水深流速自动测量系统

    Automatic Measurement System of Water Depth and Velocity in River Model

  24. 江河堤防防洪能力的风险分析

    Risk analysis and computation of flood control capacity for river levee

  25. 我国江河湖库清淤疏浚实践与分析

    Analysis on dredging practice in rivers , lakes and reservoirs

  26. 用于疏浚江河湖泊的新型高效工具研究

    Study on High Efficiency Dredging Tools for River and Lake

  27. 四川的江河鱼类资源及保护和开发利用刍议

    Fish resources and its conservation and exploitation in the rivers of Sichuan

  28. 基于TOPEX/Poseidon卫星数据的江河流量测算

    Estimation of River Discharge Using TOPEX / Poseidon Altimeter Data

  29. 在分析我国清淤疏浚队伍及疏浚实践的基础上,提出了江河湖库清淤疏浚的基本原则。

    Some basic principles about dredging are also put forward .

  30. 3开发江河水域,发展河道渔业;

    Using the river waters to develop river course fishery ;