- 网络fiscal balance

Falling commodity prices pose risks to the fiscal balance in low-income commodity exporters , the fund also said .
On Perfecting Fiscal Balance System of China 's Intergovernments
The IMF argues that movements in the CAPB can give a misleading impression about changes in a country 's fiscal stance .
The second option would be to pursue the same plan until Greece achieves a primary balance the fiscal balance before the payment of interest and then to default , or at least to renegotiate the programme with the IMF and the EU .
Let us look at where we now are , courtesy of the financial balance approach of the late Wynne Godley .
Balanced budget theorem can efficiently control the disburse of man-made resource & money .
Instead , our major challenge is to contain public expenditure and restore fiscal balance .
Restoring fiscal balance in a way that supports longer-term growth will therefore be painful .
There is no doubt that the direct effect of tightening fiscal balances is contractionary .
The theory of fiscal balance is an important part of the system of public finance science .
A workable fiscal balance could have been struck earlier in the crisis countries , except Greece .
Suggestions on how to promote a balanced development of both finance and mining industry of the localities are included .
The German Fiscal Balance System : A Model Available for Shortening the Disparities between the East and West of China
Among their suggestions were balanced-budget rules in all17 euro-zone countries , harmonised corporate-tax rates and a levy on financial transactions .
It would continue to strive for fiscal balance , helped by what is likely to be a massive real depreciation .
There is a close relation between fiscal balance and significant price swings of main assets , such as real estate and stock .
In the middle of 19th century , the competition between the inside and outside of china smashed the normal finance balance of Qing Dynasty .
While we will persevere in restoring fiscal balance , we have proposed a number of tax concessions to relieve the burden on some taxpayers .
Financial balance , equity , cost burden to individuals , and realities of American institution and politics are problems and challenges Medicare reform has to face .
Sure , leverage can get you into a home or a new car , but too much debt is one of the biggest drags on your financial well-being .
Based on the models and by using the empirical analysis method , this paper respectively studied the short-term and long-term impact of population aging on government fiscal balance .
Every desperately needed reform I can think of , from controlling greenhouse gases to restoring fiscal balance , will have to run the same gantlet of lobbying and lies .
But Mr Fukuda has ruled out spending more on public works and has reaffirmed the goal reachable of attaining primary fiscal balance , before debt service , by 2011 .
At the same time , it is undoubtedly there is unbalance in tour country economy development . And finance balance is the important composition of coordinative development of economy .
Owing to the equilibrium of local financial development and deference among nature history , geography and management , there are lots of difference between local financial balance and its difficulty .
The conclusion is that in short-term , population aging has no significant impact on government fiscal balance , but in the long run , it will greatly affect the fiscal balance .
The use of the park complex development model should be established between government and enterprises separation of market principles , the whole life cycle , and the right fiscal balance concept environment .
Such a programme might have to create almost no new money , if investors are comforted by its existence and threatened governments can move to better fiscal balance , or pre-agreed default .
The best option , in my view , would be a strategy to achieve a primary balance by 2013 and then to default on all outstanding foreign debt , public and private .
What Wenger has achieved at Arsenal is nothing short of remarkable when you consider how he has built a side from scratch , balanced the books , signed world-class players and won trophies .