- 网络the Peloponnesian War

The reason of Athens ' failure in the Peloponnesian War
A Tentative Analysis of the Defense of Attica During The Peloponnesian War
A Military Strategy Comparison between Athens and Sparta in the Peloponnesus War
The Peloponnesian war ... terminated in the ruin of the athenian commonwealth
In Chapter three I analyze the Graeco-Persian relations after the Peloponnesian War .
In the Peloponnesian War broke out in 5th B.C.
Chapter two : Discuses the expedite Sicily and History of The Peloponnesian War relations .
Two war era refers to period of the Persian War and the Peloponnesian War .
The first part indicates several points of view in the reason of the plague of Peloponnesian .
The second part goes deeper to the influence of the plague of Peloponnesian to Ancient Athens and Sparta .
Some of you will know that that trial follows very quickly upon the heals of the famous Peloponnesian War .
The Reviews of Justice of Thucydides & Based on History of the Peloponnesian War as a History Book of Political Thought
The Sicilian expedition was most important expedition during the Peloponnesian war . After expedition , Athenian failed on Peloponnesian war .
In his History of the Peloponnesian War , to be sure , he refrains from offering a picture of the best regime .
There 's a striking moment at the start of Thucydides ' " Peloponnesian War " when he surveys Greek history up to then .
Covered historical cases include World War I , World War II , Korea , Indochina , and the Peloponnesian , Crimean and Seven Years wars .
In this paper we mainly talk about the plague of Peloponnesian War which has been discussed directly or indirectly by history , literary and medical profession .
Socrates ( c.470 – 399 B.C. ), who was also a soldier during the Peloponnesian War and a stonemason after , was renowned as a philosopher and educator .
Thirdly Peloponnesus War was a disaster to Athenian , made the citizens of Athens much poorer compared to before of pre-war , and weakening their capacity to gather land .
After the Peloponnesian War , the ancient Greek poleis in political , economic and ideological field got into a comprehensive crisis , which is called the " city-state crisis " in historiography .
Since Sparta dispatched her army to help Cyrus the younger contending for the royal crown of Persia with Artaxerxes II , the friendship established during the Ionian War between Sparta and Persia began to deteriorate .
The term human nature in history of Peloponnesian War by Thucydides has a broad conception , including born , natural individuals , social beings and the disposition , capability and physiological characteristics shared by all human beings .
However , in Peloponnesian War , this system encountered a series of plight . In the strategy , its absolutely qualitative role was replaced by the navy ; in the tactic , the light infantry also posed a threat .
Thucydides ' History of The Peloponnesian War as a history famous work actually has the thick ancient Greece tragedy color , the reason is not only the ancient Greece tragedy to Thucydides in writing objective influence , also have the reason of Subjective writing .
Thucydides is one of the greatest of the ancient Greek historians , whose book History of the Peloponnesian War is also one of the major woks that impact the concept of human being . The book has been concerned by historians , politicians , philosophers and others .
Ancient Greek historian remembered for his history of the Peloponnesian War ( 460-395 BC ) .