
  1. 的确,成功的企业依赖完善的法律和财产所有权制度。

    Indeed , successful enterprise relies on a proper system of laws and ownership of property .

  2. 财产权制度、尤其是私人财产所有权制度,开辟了公民私人自治领域,勘定了政府公权力的范围。

    The property right has opened up the territory of citizens ' private governance and restricted the public power of government .

  3. 以法律形式规定夫妻财产所有权制度是世界普遍采用的主流制度,通常在各国的民法典或者婚姻法中有所规定。我国法定夫妻财产制反映在《婚姻法》及相关司法解释中。

    Provides a legal form of ownership of matrimonial property system is widely used by the mainstream system of the world , usually in the Civil Code or a marriage in all countries have regulations .

  4. 善意取得制度是财产所有权制度中的一项重要制度,是物权法不可缺少的一项重要内容,我国民法通则对该制度未加以明确规定。

    Obtaining by good faith , important in property ownership system , is an essential part of the real right law but it is not definitely stipulated in China 's " GeneralRules of Civil Law " .

  5. 善意取得是一项古老而富有魅力的制度,涉及所有权保护和交易安全的价值取向和利益平衡问题,是财产所有权制度中的一项重要内容。

    Bona Fide Acquisition is an ancient and fascinating system , involving the protection of ownership , the value orientation of transaction security and balance of interests , which is an important component in the property ownership system .

  6. 财产所有权制度私权神圣是指民事主体的民事权利受法律的充分保护,不受任何人以及任何权力的侵犯,不依正当的法律程序不受限制或剥夺。

    Authority of illicit of property ownership system is divine it is the sufficient protection that shows the civil rights of civil main body gets law , do not suffer anybody and the encroachment of any influence , not comply unlimited or proper legal order is privative .

  7. 善意取得制度为现代民法确定的一项财产所有权取得的制度,其目的是为了保护交易安全。

    The bona fide possession system , as a system of obtaining the property possession , is established in modern civil law .

  8. 传媒产品具有商品属性的两个重要条件是,传媒生产社会化分工的生产力基础和传媒财产所有权排他性的制度基础。

    The following are two important conditions deciding the commodity properties of media products : the condition of productivity of the social specialization of media production , and the condition of institution of the exclusiveness of the ownership of media properties .

  9. 夫妻财产制是有关婚姻关系存续期间夫妻财产所有权的制度。

    The matrimonial property regime is a system of concerning couple 's property ownership of the drawing period of relevant marriages .