
cái chǎn jì chénɡ
  • inheritance;succession of property
  1. 他放弃了财产继承权。

    He renounced his rights to the inheritance .

  2. 网络信息财产继承的实现貌似还有很长一段路要走。

    Network information of inheritance looks like there is a long way to go .

  3. 铸造焦反应能力的研究妇女财产继承权如何受到实质保护值得我们反思。

    On the Reactivity of Foundry Coke It worths us reconsidering .

  4. 公民依法享有财产继承权。

    Citizens shall have the right of inheritance under the law .

  5. 第三节论述涉外婚姻与财产继承法律。

    The third section discusses the foreign-related law of marriage and succession .

  6. 非洲妇女在土地、财产继承和婚姻方面的法律地位问题

    Legal status of African women concerning land , property inheritance and marriage

  7. 对他来说,提出财产继承的要求只需要身体发育成人即行。

    Only physical growth was necessary for him to claim his heritage .

  8. 中国传统财产继承背后的文化逻辑&家系主义

    Stirpism : The cultural principle behind the traditional Chinese family inheritance system

  9. 真正的财产继承人最后通过基因测试确认了下来。

    The true heir to the fortune was eventually identified with genetic tests .

  10. 试析中朝两国法定财产继承制度的差异

    Disparities between Legitimate Inheritance Systems of China and DPRK

  11. 人本主义对中国古代女儿及非婚生子女财产继承制的影响

    Humanistic Influence on the Property Inherit System of China Ancient Daughter and Bastard

  12. 女性财产继承权的历史考察&法原理与法习惯方面的纠葛

    Historical Considerations of Women 's Succession Conflict Between the Legal Principles and its Institution

  13. 酿酒商的财产继承人无疑是在走向毁灭。

    The heir to the brewer 's estate was surely heading for the devil .

  14. 西方学者对1500-1800年英国家庭财产继承研究的综述

    A Review of Western Scholars on the Property Inheritance of English Family during 1500-1800

  15. 财产继承中债权人利益的保护

    How to Protect Creditors Benefits in Property Inheritance

  16. 他享受着奢华的生活,因为他是一个家庭财产继承人。

    He enjoys an extravagant lifestyle because he 's an heir to a family fortune .

  17. 略论财产继承中的债务清偿

    Discharge of Debts in Inheritance of Property

  18. 布鲁尼出生于意大利,是一家知名轮胎制造厂的财产继承人。

    Bruni was born in Italy and is the heiress to a tyre manufacturing fortune .

  19. 脚底adj.唯一的;单独的;仅有的\他有钱的叔母死后,他是唯一的财产继承人。

    sole He was the sole heir to the fortune when his rich aunt died .

  20. 新生殖技术的法律问题&人工受精中的财产继承纠纷及赡养问题之初探

    Legal Problems of New Genital Technology

  21. 中国古代的家庭财产继承法律制度发展到宋代,达到其顶峰时代,这一时期的法律对财产继承制度的规定之详尽,是其他朝代所无法比拟的。

    When development to Song , ancient family property inherited legal system reached its peak times .

  22. 那老太太放弃了立她兄弟为财产继承人的想法。

    The old lady fell from the thought of making her brother heir to her property .

  23. 贝当古还将巴尼耶列为一份新遗嘱中的唯一财产继承人和人寿保险中的受益人。

    Bettencourt also named Banier as sole beneficiary in a new will and life insurance policies .

  24. 户绝与财产继承:清代民事审判中的情理法

    The Household Heirless and Property Inherits : Reason and Law with Civil Trial in the Qing Dynasty

  25. 民国时期女子财产继承权的演变初探

    Evolution of the Women 's Right to Inherit Property during the Period of the Republic of China

  26. 涉及的内容有婚姻家庭、财产继承和所有权保护等等。

    The content of the involved a marriage , family , property inheritance and ownership protection and so on .

  27. 传统法律中的财产继承在原理上是排除女性的,女儿没有继承权。

    On principle , women are excluded from the estate heritance of traditional law , women have no succession .

  28. 这都体现了在长期生活中所形成的民事习惯对于近代乡村社会发展影响,财产继承习惯在一定程度上推动了乡村财产经济关系的改良,稳定了小农社会的经济秩序。

    This has reflected that the civil custom formed in long time living influences the modern rural social development .

  29. 南京民国政府时期,经过各方努力,女性终于获得了相当的财产继承权。

    During the Nanjing government period , women gained their property right to a great extent through various struggles .

  30. 一个是传统的诸子均分的财产继承制度,它决定了田产分散的速度。

    The other is the traditional inheritance system-equal sharing out of property among sons-a determinant for land property dispersion .