
  • 网络fiscal measure;financial measures
  1. 美国调节区域经济差异的财政措施及启示

    Financial measures and enlightenment of American adjustment of regional economic difference

  2. 财政措施比其他事情重要。

    Financial measures take precedence over other matters .

  3. 还有没有余地增加一些能够在未来一年半时间里贡献1%甚至更多gdp的财政措施呢?

    Is there scope for adding fiscal measures that would contribute 1 per cent of GDP or more over the next year and a half ?

  4. 要实现这一结果,或许就得推出财政措施使财政收入达到GDP的7%,并使经济收缩10%。

    Achieving this outcome might demand fiscal measures that would raise the equivalent of 7 per cent of GDP and shrink the economy by 10 per cent .

  5. 20国集团(G20)公报呼吁采取财政措施,迅速刺激内需,并强调必须坚持有利于财政可持续性的政策框架。

    The Group of 20 communiqu é calls for fiscal measures to stimulate domestic demand to rapid effect and underlines the needs to maintain a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability .

  6. 英国调节收入分配差距的财政措施及启示

    England 's Financial Adjustment Measurements of Adjusting Income Distribution Differential and Enlightenment

  7. 货币和财政措施必须相互协调,才能解决经济中的问题。

    Monetary and fiscal policy must be co-ordinated to address economic issues .

  8. 各国政府已在全球推出总额达9万亿美元的财政措施。

    Governments have rolled out fiscal measures totaling 9 trillion U.S. dollars globally .

  9. 但随着时间的推移,以及采取制衡的财政措施,这个障碍是可以克服的。

    But with time and counterbalancing financial measures , this obstacle can be overcome .

  10. 因此,在当前环境下,相对于进一步的定量宽松,财政措施会给经济提供更大动力。

    Fiscal measures would therefore gain more traction than further QE in the current environment .

  11. 黑沿子镇水产业发展与财政措施研究

    Study on the Development of Aquatic Products Industry and Its Financial Countermeasure in Hei Yanzi Town

  12. 其次,阐述了促进科技创新了两个重要的财政措施的基本概念,即政府资助和政府采购。

    Secondly , expounds two important financial measures of the basic concepts of science and technology innovation .

  13. 其结果是采取了规避风险的政策和正统的财政措施,甚至比国际货币基金组织现在鼓吹的还要严格。

    The result is risk-averse policies and a fiscal orthodoxy stricter even than the IMF now preaches .

  14. 对于中国来说,规划缜密的财政措施将在短期内提振经济,并促进经济实现再平衡。

    In China , well-designed fiscal measures would provide a short-term boost to growth and help to rebalance it .

  15. 在上述办法中,财政措施,特别是税收激励政策,吸引了最多的注意力和分析。

    Of these , it is the financial measures and particularly tax incentives that have attracted the most attention and analysis .

  16. 重复使用财政措施来支撑需求,增强了私人债务的可承受性,但同时也提高了公共债务水平。

    The repeated use of fiscal measures to support demand made private debt more supportable , but also increased public debt levels .

  17. 但是非财政措施,诸如人力资源开发和产业标准,也同样重要,特别是对于发展中国家更是如此。

    But non-financial measures , such as human resources development and industrial standards , are equally important , particularly for developing countries .

  18. 事实上,只有政府对非财政措施给予同等重视,财政措施才可能在促进国内创新方面获得成功。

    Indeed financial incentives are only likely to be successful in stimulating domestic innovation if governments give equal weight to non-financial incentives .

  19. 若当时不采取任何财政措施,财政赤字还会激增,但原因在于国内经济活动的收缩。

    If no fiscal action had been taken , the fiscal deficit would still have exploded-but because of the shrinkage of domestic activity .

  20. 各国政府还依靠法令和财政措施鼓励从石油向丰富而廉价的燃料转变。

    Governments have also relied on regulations and financial incentives to encourage a switch from oil to less scarce , less costly fuels .

  21. 给最高收入人群加税,是美国新的一年将自动生效的很多财政措施之一。

    Higher tax rates for top earners are one of the many fiscal measures that would automatically go into effect in the new year .

  22. 都铎王朝的开创者亨利七世为了巩固统治,采取了一系列财政措施扩大收入。

    In order to consolidate his rule , the founder of Tudor dynasty Henry VII took a series of financial steps to increase his revenue .

  23. 标准普尔表示,近期出台的对抗衰退、稳定银行业体系的财政措施,将给数个亚洲经济体的公共财政带来沉重负担。

    Recent fiscal measures to fight recession and stabilise banking systems would weigh on the public finances of several Asian economies , S & P said .

  24. 奥巴马再一次试图在危机中的发现转机,利用凯恩斯主义的财政措施吸引可替代能源的投资。

    Again , Obama is trying to discover the chance of this crisis , orienting part of his Keynesian fiscal stimulus towards investment in alternative energy .

  25. 企业盈利应会受益于贷款成本下降、减税(这是财政措施的一部分)以及石油和其它大宗商品价格下跌。

    Corporate earnings should benefit from lower borrowing costs , tax relief ( as part of the fiscal measures ) and cheaper oil and other commodities .

  26. 收入和财富里的意外之财本可以通过财政措施来抵消,正如英国在一定程度上做到的那样。

    The windfall gains in income and wealth could have been offset by fiscal measures , as they have been to a degree in the UK .

  27. 西班牙也在推行广泛的改革议程:重组储蓄银行,采取新的财政措施,加速养老金和劳动市场改革。

    Spain is now also pursuing a broad reform agenda by restructuring its savings banks , taking new fiscal measures and accelerating pension and labour market reforms .

  28. 实际上,即便我们置规定于不顾,财政措施仍然是危险的,因为它会危及低通胀政策的可信度。

    Indeed , even if the rules were put to one side , fiscal action would be dangerous , since it could endanger the credibility of low inflation .

  29. 旨在支持消费的财政措施,如针对性的减税、社会福利支出和其他社会支出,应当被列为重点。

    Fiscal measures to support consumption , such as targeted tax cuts , social welfare spending and other social expenditures , should be viewed as the first priority .

  30. 由于海啸、地震、核危机和其他的体制问题,比如说政治稳定性和关键的财政措施,日本面临着自己的挑战。

    Japan has its own set of challenges due to the tsunami , earthquake , nuclear crisis and then more systemic issues about government stability and funding key initiatives .