
  • 网络Finance;Corporate Finance;Financial Management
  1. 廖舜康在财务学上付出的努力已初见成果。

    Liu Shun Hong 's love of finance is paying off .

  2. 当前我正在一个培训黉舍进修财务学。

    And I am currently studying finance in a training school .

  3. Brealey和Myers(1996)就认为公司最佳现金持有量的确定是财务学界尚未解决的十大难题之一。

    Brealey and Myers ( 1996 ) stated that it is one of the ten puzzles unsettled in the financial research field .

  4. 地方政府债务规模的财务学分析

    Financial Analysis of the Debt Quantity of Local Government

  5. 上市公司再融资是公司财务学的一个重要研究课题。

    Refinancing of listed companies is an important research topic in corporate finance .

  6. 理财学(财务学)是一门独立的学科,有其独立的学科体系。

    Financial affairs is an independent subject and possesses its particular learning system .

  7. 信任问题的财务学思考

    Thinking of the Trust Issues from a Financial Perspective

  8. 审视行为财务学:由批判者到建设者

    Surveying " Behavioral Finance ", from " Critic " to " Builder "

  9. 行为财务学述评及其发展趋向

    Comments on Behavioral Finance and Its Development Trend

  10. 这些经历都使我对管理学和财务学产生了级大的兴趣。

    These experiences have enabled me to have great interest in management and finance .

  11. 行为财务学:对传统财务学的挑战

    Behavioral Finance : the Challenges to Traditional Finance

  12. 人力资本产权、人本管理思想与人本主义财务学

    Property Rights of Human Capital 、 Thoughts of Human Based Management and Human Based Finance

  13. 行为财务学:一项理论研究

    Behavior Financial Affairs : A Theoretical Research

  14. 中国上市公司存在股权融资偏好现象,这种融资顺序安排与西方财务学理论的融资优序理论相悖。

    The phenomenon of equity financing preference is prevalent among the listed companies in China .

  15. 现代公司治理理论是财务学的重要组成部分。

    Modern corporate governance theory is one of the most important parts of finance research .

  16. 悄然兴起的企业行为财务学

    Enterprises ' Behavioral Finance is booming Silently

  17. 资本网络化配置下的财务学思考

    Financial Discussions about Network-based Deployment of Capital

  18. 同时,如何有效地度量管理者过度自信程度,也一直是行为财务学研究的难题。

    Moreover , it has been a difficult problem for researchers to measure managerial overconfidence effectively .

  19. 企业的融资决策一直是财务学中最重要的研究内容之一。

    Corporate financing decision is one of the most crucial content in the research of finance .

  20. 论财务学的文化特性

    On Cultural Feature of Financial Management

  21. 目的:设立永久性的财务学讲座教授教席,以培育财经人才,回馈社会。

    Objectives : To nurture talents for the field of Finance and support quality academic development .

  22. 财务学应是一门以资金流、行为流、文化流为主要管理对象的应用型管理学科。

    Financing is a management science about management project of capital flow behavior flow culture flow .

  23. 从财务学的角度看,一个企业集团就是一个现金流转的复杂系统。

    In the side of finance , an enterprise group is a complicated system of cash circulation .

  24. 本文以财务学方法分析了公司并购创造价值的问题。

    This essay analyzes the value creation in corporation acquisition and merger by means of financial techniques .

  25. 四十多年来,公司股利政策一直是财务学研究的一个热点。

    Corporate dividend policies have been subjected to intensive theoretical and empirical investigation for over forty years .

  26. 试论人本主义财务学

    A study on Humanism finance

  27. 税务筹划是连接会计学、财务学与税收学的一门边缘性、交叉性学科。

    The tax planning is the marginal , overlapping subject connecting the accounting , the financing and tax .

  28. 在投资组合管理的目标管理评价的每一阶段,都是以当代金融学、财务学的理论为基础,以定量分析和计算机为手段,以大量的数据库为支撑的。

    It base on modem finance theory , quantitative analysis method , computer technology and great capacity database .

  29. 以行为财务学的相关理论为基础对上海A股市场上市公司是否存在过度反应和规模效应现象进行了检验。

    We use behavioural finance theory to test the A-share listed company from the Shanghai stock exchanges market .

  30. 财务学理论中,对融资理论的研究可以从多个角度进行。

    In the financial theories , the research of financing theory can be carried through in several ways .