
  • 网络China Business Post;Business Post;the financial times
  1. 财经时报报道:根据在美国已注册的全球临床试验数据可知,现在在中国比在印度有更多的临床试验在进行中。

    More clinical trials are now under way in China than in India , according to a U.S. - based registry that lists clinical trials from around the world , the Financial Times reports .

  2. 《国际财经时报》(InternationalBusinessTimes)上周五在报道上图中的数字时这样写道。

    So begins a story in the International Business TimesFriday reporting on the numbers in the first attached chart .

  3. 财经时报发现的电子邮件事件,揭露了教育部长和他的顾问们使用个人邮箱地址来处理政府事务。

    E-mail traffic , seen by the FT , shows the education secretary and his advisers have conducted government business using private email addresses .

  4. 近年来,我国出现了一批以《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》、《财经时报》等为代表的综合财经类报纸。

    China witnesses series general business newspapers booming such as 21st Century Economic Report , Economic Observer , Business Times , which are representative in recent years .

  5. 尖尖的耳朵最可爱了,而且我发现精灵族的服装非常优雅,国际财经时报上的报道中她如是说。

    Pointed ears are the most adorable thing , and I find the ' elven ' attire is so elegant , she said , according to International Business Times .

  6. 印度发行量最大的财经日报《经济时报》(EconomicTimes)周三的头版上赫然写着:安息吧,超级大国印度。

    ' Superpower India , RIP , ' screamed the front-page headline on Wednesday 's Economic Times , the nation 's largest-circulation financial daily .