
  • 网络elton;Elton John;Ayrton
  1. 2011年初,希兰发布了首张个人EPNo.5CollaborationsProject。这首歌令他在iTunes名声大噪,并且引起了(英国摇滚歌星)艾尔顿•约翰的注意。

    In early 2011 , the young artist released his first EP No. 5Collaborations Project , which prompted a surge in his popularity on iTunes and brought him the attention of Elton John .

  2. 苹果公司为iTunes狂欢节邀请的表演嘉宾也都是国际巨星&艾尔顿•约翰、LadyGaga、凯蒂•佩里、贾斯汀•汀布莱克以及约翰•传奇,各个声名显赫。

    The acts Apple books for the iTunes Festival are world class Elton John , Lady Gaga , Katy Perry , Justin Timberlake , John Legend all top notch performers .

  3. 他们在选秀之夜交换了米卡尔·布里奇,并签下了特雷沃·阿里扎都表明他们的意图,那就是艾尔顿和布克在3D球员的帮助下,可以放大他们的组合的效果。

    Their draft-night trade for wing Mikal Bridges and signing of Trevor Ariza suggests there 's an understanding that Ayton and Booker can be optimized if surrounded by 3-and-D wings .

  4. NBA球探和高管们长期以来一直在质疑艾尔顿的竞争精神,这些问题也都带到了NBA。

    NBA scouts and executives have long questioned Ayton 's competitive spirit , and those questions have all carried into the NBA .

  5. 自从上一次出现F1车手死亡事故(1994年,艾尔顿&12539;塞纳(AyrtonSenna))以来,安全方面已经取得了长足进展。

    There were also improvements in safety , an area of huge progress since F1 's last driver fatality ( Ayrton Senna in 1994 ) .

  6. 你比艾尔顿强更像同志。

    He looks like Elton john , but more gay .

  7. 艾尔顿不喜欢喝下午茶这样的繁文缛节。

    Elton hated the whole system of afternoon tea .

  8. 代表人物:布莱恩•亚当斯、艾尔顿•约翰、詹姆斯•布朗特

    Representative artists : Bryan Adams , Eagles , Elton John , James Blunt

  9. 艾尔顿?约翰爵士也在哈里梅根的婚礼午宴上表演。

    Sir Elton John also performed at Harry and Meghan 's lunchtime wedding reception .

  10. 这个赛季还早,艾尔顿的进攻手段已经给人留下了深刻的印象。

    The season is young , and Ayton 's offensive tools have already impressed .

  11. 那是在艾尔顿火车站,当火车还在开时。

    It was at the Alton train station , back when the trains still ran .

  12. 够我们忙的了我们邀请到了著名歌星艾尔顿.约翰

    We 're going to be busy . We 've got pop superstar Elton John .

  13. 当然,艾尔顿的技术要好得多,尽管他并不总是有机会表现出来。

    Ayton is far more skilled , of course , though he hasn 't always had opportunities to show it .

  14. 据最新消息,球星大卫贝克汉姆将携明星妻子维多利亚、艾尔顿约翰也将携同性恋伴侣大卫费尼什一同出席威廉王子婚礼。

    Soccer star David Beckham will be there with his pop star wife Victoria . Elton John is attending with partner David Furnish .

  15. 艾尔顿在小说里曾读过这样的场景,而且数百次的亲身体验告诉他这些才是真正的生活。

    Elton had read of such things in novels , and hundreds of actual experiences had told him that were true to life .

  16. 他已经晒过自己同超模卡拉·迪瓦伊、喜剧演员詹姆斯·柯登以及自己教父艾尔顿·约翰爵士的合照了。

    He has posted pictures of himself with model Cara Delevingne , comedian James Corden and Sir Elton , who is his godfather .

  17. 艾尔顿在半场的持球得分为1.07分,与一向高效的亚当斯相当。

    Ayton is scoring an excellent 1.07 points per possession in the half court , which is comparable to the always efficient Steven Adams .

  18. 菲尼克斯太阳队的控球后卫的问题很明显,他不能给艾尔顿创造得分的机会,但是这位新秀也应该更加努力的去争取持球权。

    Phoenix 's point guard problem is apparent in its inability to feed Ayton , but the rookie should also be fighting harder to demand touches .

  19. 甚至当艾尔顿在比赛中跳投时,他也会转过头去看球的飞行轨迹,而不是继续专注比赛。

    Even when Ayton contests jump shots , he turns his head to watch the flight of the ball instead of following through with his contest .

  20. 个性张扬的马云曾经穿着皮衣,戴着莫西干式假发,在员工面前演唱艾尔顿约翰的《今夜爱无限》。

    The flamboyant Mr Ma , who once dressed up in leather and a Mohican wig and sang Elton John 's Can you Feel the Love Tonight ?

  21. 阿黛尔也未必只有悲情气质,她被曝出已签约出演一部新电影的反派间谍。这部电影匪夷所思地还有大腕大卫贝克汉姆和艾尔顿约翰的加盟。

    Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film , which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John .

  22. 艾尔顿在转换进攻中经常被打得灰头土脸,并且在半场中显得力不从心,就像他在快船中锋博班·马亚诺维奇对位时候所表现出来的一样。

    Ayton too often he gets beat up the floor in transition , and outmuscledin the half court , like he does in the clip above by Clippers center Boban Marjanovic .

  23. 你也许觉得他看上去什么事也做不了,但他不会去做令人生厌的事。昨日,艾尔顿·约翰说在艾滋病的问题上,我们必须“像基督徒一样更加仁慈对待彼此”。

    You see he seemed incapable , but incapable , of doing anything disagreeable.We need to be " more Christian to one another " over AIDS , Elton John said yesterday .