
  • 网络redistribution of wealth;Wealth Redistribution;Redistribute wealth
  1. 鸠山强调,有必要改善福利,增加儿童抚养费,以及加大财富再分配的力度。

    Mr Hatoyama highlighted the need for better welfare , more child support and wealth redistribution .

  2. 这表明现代税收公平思想迎合了实质课税和财富再分配的要求。

    In fact , modern tax fairness thoughts cater to the requirement of economic substance doctrine and wealth redistribution .

  3. 一些与会者警告称,把重点放在财富再分配上,有可能对政策造成损害。

    Some participants warned that focusing on redistribution could damage policy .

  4. 在利润、工资和投资额领域进行财富再分配。

    Redistributing wealth among profits , wages , and investment .

  5. 股权分置改革财富再分配效应

    The Wealth Redistribution Effect in Share Structure Reform

  6. 麦凯恩则指责他是想要进行财富再分配的社会主义者。

    John McCain , in return , denounced him as a socialist , a redistributor .

  7. 对土改而言,其核心工作就是阶级划分和财富再分配。

    With regard to the land reform , the core was the class division and wealth reallocation .

  8. 一个甘愿依靠肉体获得财富再分配的女人值得可怜吗?

    Willing to rely on physical access to a redistribution of wealth , the poor woman worth it ?

  9. 我认识的大多数有钱人都不介意财富再分配,前提是得让他们相信,这些财富不会被浪费。

    Most wealthy people I know wouldn 't mind redistribution if they believed it wouldn 't be wasted .

  10. 本文针对我国股票市场的制度缺陷、国有股流通解决制度缺陷、流通中的财富再分配和流通的价格确定原则等问题进行了讨论。

    The circulation of state-own shares ; wealth redistribution in circulation ; the determination principles of prices in circulation .

  11. 主要有:效率理论、代理理论、交易费用理论、价值低估理论、市场势力论和财富再分配理论。

    They are theories of : efficiency , Principal-Agent , transaction fee , undervaluation , market power and wealth real locat ion .

  12. 主要列举出了信息不对称理论、资本资产定价理论、价格压力假说和财富再分配假说。

    Prominent examples out of asymmetric information theory , capital asset pricing theory , price pressure hypothesis and the wealth redistribution hypothesis .

  13. 既然像你这样的有钱人变得更有钱了,难道你不认为税收能帮助实现财富再分配吗?

    Since the rich , like you , have gotten richer , don 't you think redistribution of wealth through taxes could help ?

  14. 公益活动作为社会财富再分配的一种方式,得到了大部分学者,专家以及政府的认可,越来越多的明星和企业家以及普通百姓开始参与公益活动。

    As a way to re-allocate social wealth , charity activity wins the recognition by most scholars , experts and government as well .

  15. 为了解决这一问题,我国政府已经采取了一系列措施,而财政手段作为政府实现社会财富再分配的主要手段,却没有得到有效的利用。

    In order to solve the problem , our government has adopted a series of measures , but the use of government spending policy has been ignored .

  16. 北京控制著大部分税收收入,以免当地官员挥霍金钱,这也是在贫穷和富裕省份之间进行财富再分配的一种方式。

    Beijing controls the bulk of tax revenues to prevent local officials from spending wastefully , and as a way of redistributing wealth between poor and rich provinces .

  17. 通货膨胀的收入与财富再分配效应,使财富在不同群体间转移,可能出现固定收入者受损、浮动收入者获益,债权人受损、债务人获利的状况。

    The income redistribution effect of inflation makes the wealth transfer between different groups . The fixed income residents are impaired , meanwhile the floating income residents benefit .

  18. 量能课税首先是技术性的实质课税原理和财富再分配的社会理想的体现,其次才是现代税收实质公平的体现。

    The ability to pay principle embodies initially the technological economic substance doctrine and the social ideal of wealth redistribution , and then embodies the requirement of tax equity .

  19. 新加坡政府则与香港不同。在周一公布的计划中,它以提高最富有居民的税收方式实现财富再分配,以便应对社会福利开支尤其是医保开支的增长。

    In contrast , Singapore on Monday moved to redistribute wealth by raising taxes on its wealthiest residents to pay for increased spending on social welfare , particularly healthcare .

  20. 这或许会显得有点乐观,不过,亚洲的增长速度将会与美欧拉开一段距离,使已经持续了20年或更长时间的全球财富再分配进程加速。

    Yet growth will outpace that of the US and Europe by some distance , accelerating a recalibration of global wealth that has been proceeding for two decades or more .

  21. 在制度和政策扭曲的状况下,股市与其说是配置资源的工具,不如说是财富再分配的手段。

    In the systems and policies distort the situation , the stock market is not so much a tool for the allocation of resources , rather a means to redistribute wealth .

  22. 国际足联地界上的财富再分配被称作“发展”支出,主要旨在改善贫穷国家的设施和训练情况,在2007年-2010年间这笔指出为7.94亿美元。

    Redistribution in FIFA 's fief is called " development " spending , intended mainly to improve facilities and coaching in poor countries , which amounted to $ 794m in 2007-10 .

  23. 本文通过增发新股财富再分配效应理论模型的解读,揭示增发新股股价效应在我国的特殊性。

    The article , unscrambling the model of wealth 's reallocation effects in the new issuance , reveals the particularity of " share-price - effect " in the new issuance in China .

  24. 在发达国家中,个人所得税作为财政部收入来源以及财富再分配工具的重要性众所周知,因此日益频繁的逃税避税行为当然是严重的问题。

    Tax evasion is a large and growing problem among developed states that rely heavily on income tax , both as a source of revenue and as an instrument of wealth re-distribution .

  25. 作为调节社会财富再分配的重要手段,慈善行为在缩小贫富差距、缓解社会矛盾、保障社会公平、促进社会和谐方面发挥了巨大的作用。

    As an important means of regulating social wealth redistribution , philanthropy has played a huge role in narrowing wealth gap , alleviating social conflicts , securing social justice , and promoting social harmony .

  26. 这种高金融增长主要是经济自由化的结果,并与财富再分配密切相关,但与银行的大量不良债权没有多少关系。

    A high level of financial growth is the result of economic liberalization and closely related to a redistribution of wealth , but has little to do with the large bad debts of the banks .

  27. 该文的作者一反常态,并没有因为人们总是希望财富再分配只发生在经济金字塔顶端而着墨反对它,而是侧重于强调人们只是不希望自己被压在金字塔底端而已。

    Instead of opposing redistribution because people expect to make it to the top of the economic ladder , the authors of the new paper argue that people don 't like to be at the bottom .

  28. 国民财富的再分配要求人人参加,无一遗漏。

    The redistribution of national wealth requires that no one should escape the net .

  29. 商界视他为左翼分子,试图通过强加进步税来进行财富的再分配。

    The business community saw him as a leftist maverick intent on re-distributing wealth by imposing progressive taxes .

  30. 因为现在唯一的方法就是财富的再分配,征税来减小贫富差距。

    Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth , tax people and spread it around more .