
  1. 如今,对知识的探寻继续在人类的健康和财富领域带来一场持续不断的革命。

    Today the search for knowledge continues to produce an ongoing revolution in the health and wealth of humankind .

  2. 在物质产品匮乏年代,精神文化产品和服务产品被忽视或被排除出财富领域有其历史合理性,但当今时代,非物质产品的财富性质不能被否定。

    At the age when the material product is lacked , it is reasonable that the spiritual and service product is neglected and removed from the profession of wealth . But now we can not neglect that the nonmaterial product is wealth .

  3. 英国银行汇丰(hsbc)本月表示,准备重点在新兴市场的财富管理领域物色可能的收购目标。

    HSBC said this month it planned to focus on emerging markets for any acquisition targets in wealth management .

  4. ComPeer的董事总经理艾利森•马尔顿(AlisonMalton)表示:客户对股市和财富管理领域的信心似乎恢复了。

    Alison Malton , ComPeer 's managing director , said : Clients ' confidence in both stock markets and the wealth-management sector appears to have returned .

  5. 第三,在资产管理和财富管理领域,还存在更多的机会。

    Third , there are further opportunities in asset and wealth management .

  6. 另一个日益扩大的焦点是私人财富管理领域。

    Another increasing focus is private wealth management .

  7. 瑞士银行面临的人才短缺问题尤为严重,由于素有可靠、谨慎的盛名,它们主宰着财富管理领域。

    The Swiss , who dominate wealth management because of their reputation for reliability and discretion , are particularly exposed to shortages .

  8. 我们已经继承了荷兰银行的中国业务,并且打算保持和发展这些业务&尤其是在财富管理领域。

    We have inherited ABN 's China business and intend to maintain and develop it – especially in the area of wealth management .

  9. 在第三部分中,从税收介入财富分配领域的理论依据入手,分析了税收是如何调节财富分配的以及税收的目标和定位,并分析了各税种在扩大中等收入者比重中的作用机理。

    Secondly , on the basis of the theory abut the relation between tax and fortune distribution , we analyze the tax 's target , position and role in regulating income .

  10. 如果足够成功的人士将足够的时间和财富投入志愿领域,就会产生实质性的效果。

    If enough high achievers devote enough of their time and fortunes to the voluntary sector then it will have a material impact .

  11. 这些机构在监管要求上更加灵活,因为它们不会涉及到存款以及个人财富的管理领域。

    Those institutions are more flexible in terms of regulatory requirements as they are not involved in the deposit and personal wealth management areas .

  12. 尽管去年市场动荡,但它们的总体财富在金融领域中仍较为稳定,预计其规模还会增长。

    Amid the market turmoil of the past year , their collective wealth remains one solid feature of the financial landscape and is expected to grow .

  13. 私营部门:创造财富的经济领域,为其它领域支付所有帐单;而非掠夺神圣的公共部门的恶人。

    Private sector : the wealth-creating portion of the economy that pays all the bills for the rest ; as opposed to wicked villains who loot the saintly public sector .

  14. 从国内各行业特点和电子商务本身对产品的要求来看,医药电子商务,将会像金融界一样,成为下一个产生财富神话的领域。

    Judging from the properties of all trades and the requirements on products set by e-commerce , medical e-commerce , like financial community , will surely give birth to fortune legends .

  15. 但是,他们正在慢慢加入亚洲(特别是香港)富豪之列,后者已经决心在由美国镀金时代创造的财富主导的领域崭露头角。

    But they are slowly joining the ranks of wealthy Asians , especially in Hong Kong , who have decided to make their mark in a sector dominated by the fortunes of America 's gilded age .

  16. 让这一切变得更糟的是,随着信贷收缩以及财富减少,私营领域需求将垮塌。

    Making all this worse will be the collapse in private sector demand , as credit shrinks and wealth falls .

  17. 通过讲座和互动类个案工作,与会者将增加财富管理的关键领域的知识深度。

    Through class lectures and interactive casework , participants will increase their depth of knowledge in key areas of wealth management .

  18. 他表示,虽然该行将继续致力于有机增长,但也会考虑在财富和资产管理领域进行战术性收购。

    He said that while the group would remain focused on organic growth , it would consider tactical acquisitions in wealth and asset management .