
  1. 浅析中西方法律文化对构建和谐社会的启示

    On the Enlightenment of Chinese and Western Legal Culture to Build the Harmonious Society

  2. 西方法律文化蕴含深厚的法治根基。

    The legal culture of western Countries has much base of the rule of law .

  3. 数学对西方法律文化有着巨大的影响,西方法律文化体现了大量的数学理念,这些数学理念直接影响了法律的内容,使西方法律文化别具特色。

    Mathematics had large influences on the western culture , making which containing many mathematics concepts .

  4. 作为西方法律文化的产物,constitutionalcivilrights有其独特的自然法背景。

    As a result of western legal culture , the constitutional civil rights has special background of natural law .

  5. 近代以来,日本人逐渐对传统法律文化进行批判性反思,转向学习西方法律文化。

    In modern times , Japanese began to criticize the traditional legal culture , and commence to learn the western legal culture .

  6. 论文第一大部分就清末法制改革对西方法律文化的引进与移植进行了探讨。

    The first part discusses deeply and thoroughly the introduction and transplantation of western legal cultures in the late Qing dynasty legal reform .

  7. 比较法是近代西方法律文化的产物,自19世纪中期以来开始在中国传播。

    The comparative law is a product of modern western legal culture , and started to spread in China since the middle of 19th century .

  8. 在清末中国同西方法律文化的接触过程中,日本是沟通中西两种法律文化的桥梁。

    Japan was a bridge linking up the Chinese and the western law cultures when the Chinese contacting with the western in late Qing dynasty .

  9. 这本身表明以沈家本为首的法理派是认同和接受了西方法律文化的精神和原则的,他们希望用西方法律的精神来改造中国传统法律文化。

    The school of law headed by Shen Jiaben followed the spirits and principles of western modern law and tried to use them to modify Chinese traditional law .

  10. 指出,清末中西两种法律文化的冲突过程实际上也是中国对西方法律文化的引进与移植的过程。

    It is pointed out that conflicting between Chinese traditional legal culture and western legal culture in the late Qing dynasty is the process of introduction and transplantation of western legal cultures .

  11. 近百年来,学习、吸收西方法律文化,使中国刑法从传统走向现代,从人治走向法治。

    In recent centuries , after studying and absorbing the western law culture , Chinese criminal law changes from tradition to modern one , and from be governed of man to of law .

  12. 但是,西化也好,移植也罢,当我们实现了制度层面的所谓现代化以后,却突然发现舶来的西方法律文化进入中国法律的文本易,但是真正融入中国的法治生活却并不简单。

    However , after the legislative system had been modernized , we suddenly found it was easier to import the western legal culture into the text of law than into real life in China .

  13. 在中国法治实践中弘杨法治精神应当加强建设社会主义法律文化,有效整合传统法律文化,正确对待西方法律文化;

    Enlarge spirit governed by law Yang should be strengthened and built socialist legal culture among the governed by law practice in china , combine traditional legal culture effectively , adopt a correct attitude towards western legal culture ;

  14. 通顺原则要求根据中国和西方法律文化的差异以及两种语言表达习惯的不同来进行意译使之符合普通法国家的立法实践,而不是简单的机械翻译。

    The principle of fluency is achieved by free translation not mechanical translation to conform to legislative practices in common-law countries according to discrepancy of legal cultures and difference of expressive customs of language in China and the west .

  15. 中西方传统法律文化的冲突与融合

    Clash between China and Western Countries Legal Culture and the Amalgamation

  16. 我国公司法律文化重视秩序、等级以及集体本位,而西方公司法律文化强调自由、平等以及个人本位。

    Chinese legal culture emphasizes on order , hierarchy and the collection , but the Western emphasize on freedom , equality and individualism .

  17. 纵观清末的法律教育改革,可以分为两个阶段:一是走出国门学习西方的法律文化,即法政留学;二是广泛传播近代的法律文化,即国内的法政教育。

    The reform can be divided into two stages : at the first stage , Chinese went abroad to learn Western legal systems ; at the second stage , modern legal culture was spread at home .

  18. 西方的法律文化认为,法律是一门关于正义与非正义的艺术,它需经长期的学习和实践才能掌握,在未达到这一水平前,任何人都不能从事案件的审判工作。

    The Western culture think that the law is a course on art of justice and injustice , it is subject to extended study and practice to master and if not achieved enough knowledge , no one can engage in the trials .

  19. 在此基础上,本文明确指出,实现中国法律文化现代化必须冲破中国传统法律文化的樊篱,充分吸收西方现代法律文化的优良成果。

    Here the foundation is last , this text clearly points out , that realizing the Chinese law culture modernization must break through the cultural in Chinese traditional law , absorbing the cultural and good result in the West and modern law well .

  20. 西方法律传统的文化渊源

    Cultural Origins of the Western Legal Traditions

  21. 公民财产权的宪法保障制度是根植于西方社会及其法律文化中极其重要的一项制度。

    The constitutional protection of citizen 's property rights is an extremely important system which is implanted in the legal culture of western society .

  22. 自清末立宪修律以来,西方法律制度和文化逐渐传入中国,国家赔偿理论也是其中的一部分。

    Since the Qing dynasty , Dial since constitutional western legal system and culture gradually spread to China , theory of state compensation part of it .

  23. 论中西方民事诉讼的法律文化

    On the Law Culture of the Chinese and Western Civil Procedure

  24. 导致这场变革的动因主要是西方列强对中国的侵略特别是西方法律文化的冲击。

    The most important revolutionary cause is the invasion of China by the west big powers and especially the pound of the west law culture .

  25. 中西公司法律文化冲突主要是中西方公司及其成员法律意识的冲突、中西方公司法律文化的价值冲突以及中西方规制公司的法律制度的冲突。

    The legal culture conflicts between Chinese and Western corporation are mainly the conflicts of legal awareness between the Chinese and Western corporation and their members , the conflicts between the Chinese and Western Corporation law , as well as the value conflicts between the Chinese and Western corporation law .

  26. 在西方两千多年的漫长历史发展过程中,自然法观念就像一根轴线,贯穿于整个西方政治法律文化的始终,并发挥了极为重要的作用。

    During the long period of more than two thousand years , the idea of natural law runs through the whole course of western political and law culture as if it were an axis .