
rèn gǔ quán zhèng
  • warrants
认股权证[rèn gǔ quán zhèng]
  1. Facebook认股权证的投资者们正双倍买入看跌期权,很多人都下注该公司股票到12月将跌破每股22美元。

    Investors in Facebook warrants are buying twice as many puts as calls , with many betting the stock will be below $ 22 a share by December .

  2. 认股权证(Warrants)属于金融衍生产品,它是一种最初级的股票衍生产品,也是一种有效的风险管理和资源配置工具。

    As part of Financial Derivatives , Warrants is not only primary stock derivatives , but also a kind of risk management and resource allocation means .

  3. RBF神经网络在认股权证定价中的应用研究

    The Application of RBF Neural Network in the Pricing of Warrants

  4. 作为回报,Fed将获得它们的优先股和普通股的认股权证。

    In return , the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares .

  5. 估值专家表示,高盛(GoldmanSachs)和美国运通(AmericanExpress)赎回认股权证的价格接近或高于其估计价值,而摩根士丹利与这些竞争对手不同,其赎回价格较权证估值有很大的折扣。

    Unlike rivals Goldman Sachs and American Express , which repaid the warrants at prices close to or above their estimated value , Morgan Stanley redeemed them at a significant discount , according to valuation experts .

  6. 熔盛重工在周三晚提交给港交所的一份文件中称,其将向私人股本投资者王平出售可转换认股权证,并更名为中国华荣能源(ChinaHuarongEnergyCo.)。

    In a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange on Wednesday night , Rongsheng said it would sell convertible warrants to Wang Ping , a private equity investor , and change its name to China Huarong Energy Co.

  7. 出于政治上的理由,美国财政部在力所能及的情况下,立即出售了tarp的认股权证,这牺牲了纳税人日后从股权升值中获益的机会。

    The US Treasury sold its tarp warrants as soon as it could , for political reasons sacrificing future upside gains for taxpayers .

  8. 本文选用了Black-Scholes模型、二叉树模型和蒙特卡罗模拟模型对我国认股权证的定价为进行实证研究,希望能够找出一个适用于我国权证市场的定价模型。

    In this paper , we use Black-Scholes model , binary tree model and Montel-Carlo model to do some empirical researches in the warrants market .

  9. 此外,acga表示,“在印度,误用和滥用认股权证的空间很大”。

    In addition , ACGA says that " the scope for the misuse and abuse of warrants in India is considerable " .

  10. 美联储向该保险商提供一笔850亿美元的贷款,以惩罚性的利率计息,并且拿AIG的最佳资产作为担保,还得以撤换管理层,并获得AIG近五分之四股权的认股权证。

    The Fed gave the insurer an $ 85bn loan , charged at punitive rates and secured against AIG 's best assets , while replacing the management and taking a warrant for almost four-fifths of AIG 's equity .

  11. KBS模型下的Delta值相对其他模型较小,在运用避险参数对冲风险时,基于同一主体的多种认股权证定价模型较其他定价模型更准确。

    Because the value of hedge parameter Delta in KBS pricing model is relatively smaller , the multiple warrants pricing model based on the same body is more accurate than other single warrant models when using hedge parameters to avoid risks .

  12. 我国认股权证价格偏误的实证研究&以中化CWB1为例

    An Empirical Study on the Bias of Warrants Price in Our Country & In an Example of CWB

  13. 为了说明基于同一主体多种认股权证定价公式的优越性,本文分别从稀释因子和避险参数两方面比较了KBS公式,GBS公式以及B-S公式。

    In order to show the advantages of multiple warrants pricing model , this paper compared the KBS model to the GBE and BS models from two aspects this is , dilutions factors and hedge parameters respectively .

  14. 在此之前,摩根士丹利已偿还了数十亿美元问题资产救助计划(Tarp)资金。赎回认股权证,是美国银行业努力摆脱政府援助带来的政治压力和薪酬限制的一部分。

    The move follows repayment of billions of dollars from the troubled asset relief programme and is part of the US banking industry 's efforts to free itself from the political pressure and constraints on pay that came with the federal aid .

  15. 华平将有权任命两名董事会成员,还将获得认股权证,以每股40美元的价格购买更多MBIA股份。如果MBIA股价上涨,华平将可以大赚一笔。

    Warburg will have the right to nominate two board members , and will receive warrants to purchase additional MBIA shares at $ 40 , allowing to it bolster its profit if the share price rises .

  16. 这些都需要中国的金融市场进一步进行金融创新,其中认股权证创新应是其中重要的一种。

    Further financial innovation is in need for Chinese financial market .

  17. 基于最优动态利率模型的认股权证定价研究

    Research on warrant pricing based on optimal dynamical interest rate model

  18. 第二章是对认股权证基础性、概念性的简单介绍。

    Chapter 2 is a fundamental and simple introduction on warrants .

  19. 认股权证与国有股减持定价

    Pre-emptive Rights and Pricing Mechanism of the State-owned Shares ' Lessening

  20. 关于我国高科技企业发行认股权证的若干思考

    The Thinks on Issuance of Warrants by High-tech Enterprises in China

  21. 这意味着围绕这些认股权证的价值,仍会出现一场争论。

    That means a wrangle over their valuation is still to come .

  22. 基于神经网络的中国认股权证实证研究

    Empirical research on the behavior of Chinese warrant market using neural networks

  23. 欧美式认股权证定价模型研究及实证分析

    Pricing Model for Europe and the United States Warrants and Empirical Research

  24. 对认股权证理论价值修正的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Theory Price Revision of Warrant and Call Option

  25. 变执行价格认股权证定价研究

    Study on the Value of Warrant with Variable Strike Price

  26. 认股权证在许多方面既类似于又不同于看涨期权。

    Warrant and call option have many aspects in common .

  27. 第二,认股权证对于经济既有积极因素,又有消极影响。

    In conclusion , the warrant has both positive factors and negative influences .

  28. 巴菲特还获得了大量认股权证。

    Buffett also got a load of stock warrants .

  29. 我国认股权证定价的研究与应用

    A Study and Application of Warrant Pricing in China

  30. 认股权证、杠杆效应与投资收益分析

    Analysis on warrants , leverage and income on investment